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"Are you sure about this?" Iruka asked, looking at the two shot glasses filled with the orange liquid Iruka was dreading to drink. "I mean, shouldn't you use the whole potion?" Iruka said, shifting his glaze at the almost full vial of Reset Appearance Potion in his hand.

"I only need to change one setting." Rue sighed, giving a blank stare at Iruka.

"Plus, no clue if the potion will work on me. So, best to not waste it all, nya." Na chimed while Rue and her each grabbed a glass.

"But-" Iruka closed his eyes after seeing both gulped the shot in one go. Here comes the pain. Iruka thought, bracing for the phantom pains. Yet, nothing happened and Iruka opened his eyes out of curiosity.

"Seems my prediction was right," Rue sighed, both girls still female and not glowing human pretzels like Iruka expected. "Iruka-san, take... Oh, say, four gulps of the potion. That should be enough for the changes you need." Rue chuckled, walking up to Iruka.

"Are you sure?" Iruka gulped, a pit forming in his stomach. "Won't the others feel the pain?"

"Already blocked off the senses for this!" Na chimed, "I'm even trying to see if I can block the pain for you, too, nya."

"A-Alright." Iruka sighed, "For my old self." Iruka exhaled before quickly taking a few gulps of the potion and handing the half full vial back to Rue. "Hh? Nothing is-Agh!" Iruka gasped as his body glowed, quickly shutting his eyes and concentrated on what he wanted to look like. True me back. True me back. Please turn me back! Iruka chanted in his mind. He could feel dull aches bubbling up his body, but the feeling of every bone, muscle, and organ in his body twitching, bending, and even expanding was making his skin crawl. Or was it just because it was stretching?

Oh, crap!" Iruka heaved, his body stopped its movement and he collapsed onto the floor in a heap. "I... am never doing... something like that... again," Iruka groaned, his body feeling like pudding.

"Nya." Iruka kept his head down, enjoying the coolness of the title floor against his aching body. "Right on, Iruka-sensei. You're back to normal. Including Little Iruka-sensei, nya."

"Don't look down there, Naruto!" Iruka growled with a blush on his face. He quickly getting up and grabbing the pants Rue was holding for him. He glared at the Werecat while putting on the pants. "Ah, I guess I need to see a tailor, huh?" Iruka frowned, seeing his pants were now too short for his legs.

"Indeed. Though, several beginners have taken up tailoring for their subclass. It would be a good test to have them size you and make some plain clothing to wear around town." Rue sighed, watching as Iruka tried to get his shirt one, but it was too small to even get his arms in.

Naotsugu... Spare... Shirt? Iruka thought, deciding to borrow a bigger shirt was better than no shirt. Though the ninja sighed with getting nothing back thought was from the Guardian.

"He's taking a nap before all us 90s go out to train again, nya." Na answered, getting another glare from Iruka. "We want to get fighting down before we bring everyone us to train, nya."

"I am having Toe bring you one of his shirts." Rue sighed, unlocking the door to the study. "How are you feeling, Iruka-san?"

"Better?" Iruka sighed, stretching to try and get the odd sensations going through his body. "I felt barely any pain... But, feels like something is missing." Iruka grimaced, looking at his arms. But, what is missing? I look exactly the way I did before? Iruka thought, leaning back to stretch his stomach muscles.

"I believe it could be your strength, nya." Iruka looked at Na, though noticing Rue leaving the room. "Levels here help determine strength and other such things in the game. It's probably the same here, nya."

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