Chapter 13

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Thanit's pov:

I could tell he was a lot more comfortable from the moment i put on the collar.

It's like a weight had been lifted off his chest and he's able to relax completely now.

I smiled softly while looking at him sleeping peacefully in my arms.

He was gently holding the padlock with one hand.

He had taken it into his hand while asleep.

I pressed my lips onto his forehead.

"I won't let anyone lay a single finger on you ever again. I promise." I said softly.

I buried my face in his hair and closed my eyes letting myself fall asleep as well.

The next morning when i woke up, i was alone in bed.

I slowly sat up and looked around.

Tae came out of the bathroom just as i managed to open my eyes properly.

"Good morning." He smiled.

I got up and went upto him hugging him tightly. "Good morning."

"You woke up early today." I said as i pulled back after a few seconds.

"Yeah." He nodded.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

He was avoiding my gaze.

"Tae do you remember the clauses in the contract?" I asked.

He gulped. "Yes."

"Then don't break them." I said firmly.

"I just had a bad dream...." He mumbled.

I blinked.

"Bad dream? Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

He pursed his lips.

"Ok. I'll get freshened up quickly. We'll eat together." I patted his head.

He sighed relieved and hummed.

I took some clothes and went into the bathroom.

I wanted to make him tell me but i didn't want to force him too much.

I can't force him to open upto me so fast.

Especially not after all the things that he has gone through.

When i went downstairs, he was in the kitchen.

I went up behind him.

He was making some American breakfast.

I smiled and hugged him from behind.

He jumped and almost dropped the pan he was holding.

I managed to catch it before it fell.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah. I was just a little startled." He nodded.

"Sorry for scaring you." I said.

He smiled and shook his head.

While he was making them, i started on the fruits and yoghurt for him.

He's taken a liking to it now.

It's easy to swallow and not too sweet or salty.

"Have you been eating lunch and dinner with Bass like i told you to?" I asked.

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