Chapter 21

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Tae's pov:

When we came home that night, there was a thought running in my head.

I helped Estelle freshen up and tucked her into bed before going to our bedroom.

Thanit was sitting on the bed playing with his phone.

I fiddled with my fingers nervously after closing the door behind me as i went into the room.

I had been thinking about this all day and thought i could say it easily but i was wrong.

Now that i had to say it, it proved to be quite difficult.

Thanit looked up at me.

"Tae? What's wrong?" He got up and came upto me.

"Umm..." I tried to form a sentence but couldn't do so.

There was anxiety and fear brewing inside me.

I know i don't have to be scared. I know he won't hurt me in any way.

But the fear is still not going away.

He pulled me into his embrace wrapping his arms around me protectively.

I immediately melted into his warmth.

"It's ok love. Take deep breaths. Don't force yourself. Don't rush." He whispered in my ear.

My anxiety calmed down a bit at his words.

"I..." I took a deep breath to try and talk properly.

He kept rubbing my back gently and peppering kisses in my hair.

"W-will you..." My voice got cut off again because of my anxiety.

I clenched my eyes shut and breathed deeply.

He waited patiently for me to continue.

"Take a.... Bath with me?" I managed to finally say it.

His hand which was rubbing my back stopped and he pulled back a bit.

I looked at him nervously.

He looked surprised.

Is he angry? Should i not have asked that?

I could feel my anxiety rising again.

"Are you sure?" He asked softly.

I bit my lips and nodded sheepishly.

My anxiety died down the moment a warm smile formed on his face.

"Of course. I would love to." He pecked my lips.

I smiled shyly.

Relief flooded my veins.

He suddenly lifted me up bridal style making me yelp in surprise.

He went straight into the bathroom and put me down on the counter before starting a bath.

I couldn't help but smile as i saw his happy expression while he prepared the bath.

I took off my watch and bracelet keeping it on the counter near me.

He came upto me after he finished preparing the bath.

"Come on." He took off his shirt before looking at me expectantly.

I hesitated a bit since this was still kind of nerve wrecking to me.

He caught on and leaned in kissing me gently.

"It's ok. If you think you can't, then you don't need to force yourself." He said softly.

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