Chapter 34

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Thanit's pov: 

The smile on my face didn't fade even for a second. 

I felt pride swell in my chest as I looked at him explaining everything about the hospital. 

The presentation was much better than I had anticipated. 

I already knew he had the skills for leading the board and the hospital alongside Kong but he still never fails to amaze me. 

By the end of his explanation, there were basically no questions the reporters had to ask. 

He had already explained every aspect. 

The 2 questions they did ask were not unexpected. 

We knew they would ask that so we were already prepared for it. 

I couldn't help but be really happy as I saw the confidence with which he answered the questions. 

I wanted to hug him tightly right then and there. 

We were all taken aback when uncle Chase raised his hand for a question though. 

I couldn't help but snort softly as I saw the unamused look on Tae's face when uncle started speaking. 

The others were trying not to laugh as well. 

A satisfied smile was glued on my face as I saw how the reporters were flustered trying to come up with a good question to ask after Kong answered uncle's one. 

They went backstage after 2 minutes passed without any more raised hands. 

This is off to a great start. 

Shut all the mouths from the very beginning so they can't do shit later on. 

After a few minutes, Kong and Arthit joined us. 

But there was no sign of Tae. 

I looked around searching for him. 

"Tae went to the washroom. He'll join us in a minute." Kong answered my unasked question. 

I nodded.

 I smiled widely when I noticed Tae come up to us after 3 minutes. 

"That was a great presentation." I hugged his waist and pulled him closer to me. 

He smiled proudly. "I couldn't have done it without everyone's help."

Uncle Chase came up behind us and wrapped an arm around Tae's shoulder. 

"What was with that sudden question dad?" Tee asked him. 

"Oh, that was nothing. Just a little push so the reporters won't dare make up some bullshit." He smiled. 

We sighed and shook our heads. 

"You were basically praising yourself though," Tae muttered. 

"It's true though. You can't deny that." Uncle Chase poked his cheek. 

We chuckled. 

There were reporters and other guests scattered everywhere but our relationships are not unknown so we aren't really scared of any rumors starting. 

Not after that presentation. 

The rest of the night was spent talking to the other guests and greeting everyone. 

By the time the event was finished, it was already 11 o'clock.

"The kids must be asleep by now," Kim mumbled. 

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