Chapter 3 - Travis's POV

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Finally, what I've been looking forward to. Bologna day. I don't know where they get this bologna from but my lord is it good. My meals at home consist of whatever's left over from the night before, so a lunch like this is refreshing every once in a while.

I tried not to look, but Sal and his fag gang were making so much noise. Their constant loud chatter bellowed across the hall. Him and his friends seemed to be having fun, tossing a slice of bologna around the table. I noticed Sal giggling. He looked so happy. I don't know what he found so hilarious about bologna but watching him like this made me feel happy too. His laugh was soft and angelic - I mean disgusting. He laughs like a horse, he's making my ears bleed.

Larry noticed me staring. Shit. I looked away immediately but it was too late. Sal's laughter faded into an awkward silence as he noticed his friend making his way towards me.
"Got a problem?" He pounded his fist into the table I was seated on in an attempt to intimidate me. I could tell Sal was uncomfortable and wanted us to stop, but he didn't interfere. 
"Yeah, actually." I replied, "Your friend laughs like a fucking horse. Let him know for me, will you?" I was proud of myself for a moment, before realising how uncalled for that was. I worried if Sal had heard what I said. I guess that was a yes as I noticed Ashley trying to comfort him. Larry didn't reply. He didn't hit me or even threaten to hit me. He relaxed his clenched fists and we stared at each other for a while. Was what I said that bad? If he's that upset over an insult that small, he wouldn't last a day with my family. This conversation obviously wasn't going anywhere, Larry was just staring at me like a lunatic. I cleared the litter around my lunch tray and as I stood up, I felt a cold, sharp strike across my back. The tray fell from my hands, broken shards of my plate scattering across the floor, some digging into my skin. It was a blur after that, I can't quite remember what happened. I felt that excruciating pain you get when you run for too long, the one that pierces into your stomach. I felt as if I was coughing up blood. No- I was coughing up blood. My vision was hazy but I could make out the shape of a short, blue-haired boy standing by my feet, trying to drag Larry away from me. I blacked out after that.

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I woke up in the school infirmary office. There were multiple kids with bloody noses and grazes sitting in the waiting room. Not me though. I was here with all 206 of my bones broken. Just kidding, although it really did look like i'd returned from the battlefields. It turned out to be nothing major, I'd definitely broken something but it was no biggie, I've dealt with a lot worse at home. Just as I was about to leave, I heard someone call out to me.
"Mr Phelps, I've called your mother. She's alright for you to return home immediately." It was the nurse. What was the point in going home anyways, there are only 2 more hours left in the school day. I'd much rather stay here than go home. But of course I seized the opportunity to skip school.
"Thanks! I'll be heading home now then." I got out of there as fast as I could before she could interrupt me and inform me of all the 'medication' i'd need to take. I know i'd broken something but I couldn't feel it, so it obviously wasn't a very important bone, therefor I don't need her stupid antibiotics.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I checked my watch. 13:45. School ends in just over 2 hours, sweet! I don't often get time to myself, my father doesn't let me out of the house alone. If I don't return home my mother will just assume I chose to stay at school for the rest of my lessons. Now I finally have the chance to visit my favourite place. I don't see a lot of people there, in fact i've only ever encountered anyone once or twice in that spot. It's my safe place, where I go when I want to be alone. Its this beautiful lake with the most pristine water. It's hidden away behind a forest of willow trees, their leaves only making it more beautiful. Since it's situated in such a remote area, I occasionally find some wildlife lurking around. I tossed my old tattered school bag blindly somewhere in the grass and took off my shoes. I headed straight for the lake to dip my feet in. I felt at peace. I was so happy I hadn't noticed how fast time had flown by. My hands searched the grass frantically looking for my phone. I grabbed hold of it and- shit. It's 16:30. My father will kill me. I rushed home, tripping over my feet a few times. Once i'd reached the door, I was hesitant to knock. I knew what was awaiting me beyond these walls. Just another beating by my father. Before my fist could even reach the door, it swung open. My dad standing there, as furious as ever. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and threw me inside. 

"Where the fuck were you?" he said as he punted my bag across the floor. It doesn't matter what excuse I give him, it doesn't matter if I have evidence, It always ends the same.
"I said, where the fuck were you?!" He raised his voice. I had no reason to fight back, I had accepted my fate. I stood there, lifeless like a mannequin. My mother interrupted, "Don't worry Kenneth! Travis had gotten into a little accident at school, they rung me to let me know he'd have to stay in a little longer." She lied to defend me. My father scoffed and tossed me aside. I could tell he was headed straight for the alcohol. My mother looked worried and scurried after him. I ran to my room as fast as I could and locked the door behind me. I dug face into my pillow, tears streaming down my cheeks. My muffled crying sounded as if I was being suffocated. I laid in silence for a while, staring up at my ceiling lost in thought until an obnoxious 'buzz' sound echoed from inside my bag. It was my phone, I'd received a message. Who could it be? 

"hey, u alright?"

It was an unknown number. Who in their right mind would text me at this time of the day? I normally would've replied telling them to fuck off, but I didn't have the energy for that. I blocked the number and dropped my phone down the side of my bed, leaving it unattended as I drifted asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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