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"Good morning, everyone. Today I will be assigning you all a group project. I have already divided the whole class in pairs of two." Ms. Anjali spoke while adjusting her hair before placing a few files on the desk in front of her.

Her words instantly gained our attention.
Now let me introduce her, she is our English professor, a really nice teacher who just has this hobby of always putting us in pairs and "coincidentally", she always gives us group projects regarding various fiction novels in which we have no choice but to interact with our partners.

I really can't understand why she does this, does she like playing matchmaker that much?
Huh! Why doesn't she go open up a marriage bureau then instead?

Blinking my eyes, I tried hard to keep my eyes open.
I slept extremely late last night and woke up pretty early and again had an argument with my "sweet" mother.

Although, I don't really want to think about the words I heard yesterday from their mouth regarding my marriage but they just still keep popping up in my head as if deliberately reminding me that, "hey! Look, you loser! I'm here! Your marriage is here!"
With a stupid cheeky tone in their voice.

What am I thinking?
How can words ever sound? I mean, how can they produce sound?.....No, it doesn't sound right. What I meant was that how could I know what the words sound like? I mean, I obviously know the sound of the letters but.....

Leave it. I'm confusing myself more and more as if my life isn't already a top level confused mess already.

"Lesh babe, I don't have a good feeling about this." Aradhya spoke beside me as she clutched my hand under the table, her fingernails almost piercing my skin.

I don't feel a sting though cause I'm already used to it. Listen, Aradhya is all nice and pretty but she gets anxious real quick and then she just squeezes whatever comes in her hand.
And it's understandable how she is anxious and worried about the pairs for project because the thing is, Ms. Anjali had never ever put Aradhya and Yash in a pair even once till now.
Most probably, she'll never do.

But she did always put Armaan and Bhavya together in pairs.
We all think she is like towards Aradhya because she made a very unpleasant comment towards her during the second year she taught us. And she also did try to make things difficult for her just because Aradhya couldn't stand the fact that once Armaan said that Ms. Anjali is like a pretty lily flower during one of the classes we had.
And since then, Ms. Anjali has always done opposite to what Aradhya expected and even Aradhya never did anything according to Ms. Anjali.

Ah! Fights between two women are so interesting.


I mentally groaned at the prospect of getting paired up with a stupid student.
Turning my head around, there are many people in class but except my friends, none seem worthy of being my partner in the project.
It's not like I have a problem with group projects but I don't like it when teachers have already made and put us in pairs according to her. And because of this, my mind just automatically starts hating the other person because he or she was not my choice.

Choice matters, no?

I sighed.
"It's alright, Aru. No matter who it is, don't worry. We'll ask Ms. Anjali at the end of the class to change the partners. And if nothing works, we'll change it on our own."
I comforted her.

Although, it's not uncommon but I have never changed partners without teacher's permission if they have already put us in groups.

Atleast we should be given the choice to choose our team mates. It's really frustrating because who know which student we will end up with. And I don't want to end up with someone I do not even know who might turn out to be beyond irritating or annoying. Because most of the times it happens.

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