18. Final Exam

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It was the last week of the school year: Kuri's last week as a 10th grader. If she looked at it from her perspective as an American, this was her final week as a sophomore. But she was technically a freshman at UA, so it was like her second last week as a freshman. It had been nearly six months since she'd transferred to UA, and now she only had two more years left at the school. Only two more years with her new friends. Only two more years with Bakugo.

Kuri shook away the thought. She didn't like thinking about how limited her time was with all of them. The others were lucky. Even after graduation, they'd still be able to see each other often because they live in the same area. If Kuri wanted to visit, she'd only be able to come a few times a year at the most.

As much as she loved living in California, sometimes she wished that she didn't have to go back home. Alas, it was just a dream. Eventually, she'd return to the U.S., become a pro hero, and forget about her days at UA.

Kuri squished her face with her hands.

There's no time to dwell on those sad thoughts! It's time to focus on the here and now! Like the current obstacle: finals...

Finals. Every students' least favorite thing. Except for Kuri. She was weird and liked the testing environment. It was very peaceful to her.

And it had been peaceful. The class had finished completing their written tests, and now all that was left was the practical exam, which they were about to do. Unfortunately, Kuri knew that this would not be a peaceful test. At all.

It was eight-forty-five in the morning, and her class was standing in a room with a bunch of screens that displayed footage from cameras on Ground Beta. They were listening to Mr. Aizawa as he explained how their test was going to work.

"You'll be taking this exam in groups of three, with three rounds in a three-story building," Mr. Aizawa said.

Three threes... Is that lucky or just dumb?

"During each round, two of you will play as villains and one of you will play the hero. The 'villains' will have a 'hostage'. The objective of the 'hero' is to either retrieve that 'hostage' and get it out of the building or subdue the 'villains'. The 'villains' are to stop the 'hero' from completing their objective. You have a time limit of twenty minutes for each round, so your entire exam will last an hour."

"Wait, does that mean we'll have to stand here for hours and watch everyone's exams?" Kaminari whined.

"You can if you would like to, but there are also break rooms where you can wait with your group until your test starts. Now, it's time to show your groups," Aizawa said.

He went over to a computer and changed one of the screens to a list. It showed each group and the time that they were going to take their test.

Kuri's eyes scanned the names until she found hers.

3:00pm: Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, Kuri Nakano.

Wow, thanks, Aizawa. I can't wait to face two of the strongest people in our class.

She frowned. Not only was her group less than optimal, but she also had to wait six hours until her test.

"Aoyama, Asui, Koda," Aizawa said. "Since you three are first up, go head to the testing site. Everyone else, you can either watch the matches in here or go and wait in your break room until it's time."

Kuri walked over to Midoriya, who was holding his notebook.

"Hey, Midoriya, are you going to watch the matches?" she asked. He nodded. "Well, have fun with that. I know I'll get bored, so I'm gonna wait in the room. See ya later."

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