14. The Obligatory Bath Scene

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Kuri drew her knees up to her chest self-consciously, causing the bathwater to make little waves around her. Being naked around other people sure felt weird. No matter how many times she visited a hot spring when she went to Japan, she never got used to it. However, this was not a hot spring; it was the huge bath in the girls' bathroom of their dorm.

Mina had decided that to celebrate their success during the school festival that day, the girls should take a bath. Kuri wondered why a communal bath was the chosen thing to celebrate with. Like, girl, what? But she decided not to question Mina since she didn't really care anyway.

"So, how was everyone's day today?" Momo asked. "I had a wonderful time during the pageant, even though I didn't win."

"Well, it was fun to perform onstage," Kuri said. "Afterward, I went to see Class B's play. It was freaking crazy, but pretty funny."

Ochako, Tsu, Mina, and Hagakure also went on to tell anecdotes about their day, but Jirou stayed silent and listened while playing with her ear jacks. She had a distant look in her eyes as if something were on her mind. The others seemed to notice her strange behavior as well.

"Jirou," Tsu said, causing Jirou to perk up. "Is something wrong?"

She shook her head and sighed.

"No, but I want to get something off my chest," she said. She took a deep breath and stared down at her hands. "I... have a crush on Denki..."

"Oh my god!" Mina exclaimed. Jirou covered her face with her hands as she blushed. "Finally, you're admitting it. I thought I'd have to wait years for this..."

"Yeah, I know, I know," Jirou said. "I always thought he was just some idiot who had no interest in me, so I suppressed my feelings. But something happened a few weeks ago..."

"Ooo, what happened?" Hagakure asked.

"Well," Jirou said. "Honestly, I'm not sure if it was anything or if I just was looking too far into it. Anyways, Denki came by my dorm to get extra practice, and then I think he tried to kiss me? I'm not sure."

"If you like him, why didn't you kiss him back?" Tsu asked.

"I was nervous... and I wasn't sure what he was doing exactly. He was just leaning in really close to my face-"

"Then he was probably trying to kiss you!" Mina exclaimed. Kuri nodded in agreement.

"I guess so..." Jirou said, holding her face in her hands. "In any case, it made me happy. Maybe he's not such an idiot after all..."


"Oh my freaking god... Kaminari, you need to hear this," Bakugo heard Mineta say, his ear pressed up against the wall separating the different bathrooms. Bakugo scoffed at the pervert.

Mineta had barged in earlier, going on about the girls all having a bath together. Then after that, he told the guys in the bathroom about some fucked up fantasy that Bakugo didn't even want to think about.

"Ugh, dude, what is it?" Kaminari asked tiredly, rinsing out his hair. He'd been down for a few weeks. Bakugo had initially assumed it was something dumb that was upsetting Kaminari, but as time went on he thought it might have to do with Jirou.

"Jirou is talking about you," Mineta replied. When he heard this, Kaminari jumped up and ran butt-naked to the wall. About a minute passed as Kaminari stood there listening with the other guys in the bathroom waiting in anticipation.

A grin suddenly spread across Kaminari's face, and he stepped away from the wall and began to dance around the room. Bakugo turned away from whatever the hell that was.

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