58. Summer Festival

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"Do I really look okay?" Kuri asked again, checking her reflection in the cloudy metal walls of the elevator. "It feels a little awkward to wear this."

"Girl, you're stunning!" Mina gushed, grabbing Kuri by the shoulders and turning her around. "Besides, we're all wearing yukata, too."

Kuri looked down at the indigo fabric with its ribbon-like stream of pink flowers winding around her body, then regarded the other girls in the elevator. Each was clad in their own beautiful yukata, with their hair done up, small purses in hand, plus a touch of makeup. Kuri cracked a small smile. The hour they spent getting ready sure paid off.

"Mina's right!" Ochako said. "We all look super cute, so let's go out there and have fun!"

The girls all cheered for Ochako's declaration as the elevator reached the first floor, and they poured out. Mina nudged Kuri's elbow before they had taken so much as a step into the common area.

"And I don't think you'll be nervous once you see your man," Mina teased.

"Huh? What do you—"

"Hey, you guys didn't say you'd be wearing jinbei!" Tooru exclaimed as she ran over to the couches, where all the boys in class were gathered.

"Mina told me about your idea, so I thought it'd be nice if we all dressed up, too!" Izuku beamed.

"Indeed. We thought our coordinated outfits could serve as the 'cherry on top,' so to speak, of our class outing," Tenya concurred as he adjusted his glasses.

"This sure makes it feel more official," Tsu nodded. "Even though it's still summer break."

Kuri's classmates continued their chatter, flitting around the room as they prepared to leave, while she hesitantly stepped toward the boy whose crimson eyes focused intensely on her. Katsuki's crossed arms immediately fell to his sides and a wide grin replaced the indifferent expression he wore before. His excitement made Kuri bashful, so she found herself inexplicably covering her face when she got close to him.

"What's with this dramatic reaction?" she asked with a flustered laugh, peering at him through the gaps in her fingers. "I don't look that pretty."

"Yeah, you do," Katsuki smirked. He gently took her hands and pulled them down to reveal her visage. Kuri could feel her body temperature rising quickly, and she wondered briefly if she could develop a fever just from flirting. "And I'm not being dramatic."

Katsuki's smug expression sparked Kuri's competitive side and helped her remember that, between the two of them, she was still the expert at teasing. She wouldn't be outmatched! After all, Katsuki's face was conveniently close to hers...

Kuri regained her composure just enough to lean forward and give him a quick peck. When she pulled away to appreciate Katsuki's dumbstruck face, she noticed lip gloss left a faintly glittering sheen on his lips.

"Whatever you say, handsome," Kuri said, freeing one of her hands from Katsuki's grasp to wipe the sparkles off him with her thumb. "The jinbei looks good on you."

"Thanks," Katsuki said, placing a hand on the back of neck self-consciously. He looked Kuri up and down, then smiled again. "Your yukata suits you, too."

"Really? That's surprising, considering I'm borrowing from Mina," Kuri said. She looked down at her outfit to admire the detailed cherry blossom pattern. Kuri was glad Mina had something so cute to spare. "Otherwise, I would've had to ask my grandma to mail the yukata I last wore in middle school."

Before Katsuki could open his mouth to continue their conversation, they were interrupted by one of their classmates shouting at the front door.

"Okay, everyone, time to head out!"

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