30. Patrolling

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Three weeks felt like an eternity. It was disillusioning to come back after her extended time away. Kuri had forgotten the exhaustion of her household: the nonstop nagging, often absent parents, and Mayu's untimely requests.

"Can we stop this and play something yet?"

Kuri glanced briefly at her brother, who was lying on the couch beside her. Mayu was slouching to such an extreme that he looked like he'd melted.

"No way," Kuri said, looking back at the screen. "I haven't watched this movie in so long."

Strangely enough, though, she wasn't watching it that intently. It was hard to focus on another person's story when she was caught up in her own. That day at the pool played on repeat in her mind. No matter what she had done during her entire stay at home, nothing could seem to fully distract her from thoughts of Bakugo. A contemplative frown resided on her face most days.

Mayu groaned, sliding from his seat onto the floor in a heap. He rolled his way to the television, and with an extended arm, reached up and shut it off.

"Hey!" Kuri exclaimed.

"You haven't played with me at all this whole time, and now there's only one day left before you leave," he said, beginning to set something up. Kuri crossed her arms, displeased but too lazy to stop him with force.

"Because I can never win!" she said grumpily.

"You've never cared about that." He was right. After Mayu had developed his quirk, Kuri had learned to take losing to him in stride. She couldn't really do anything about it anyway.

"...Well," Kuri said, not sure how to argue against him. "I'd rather just sit and watch movies."

"Because you're sad?" Mayu asked, shooting her a look. Kuri's eyes widened.

"What are you talking about?" she said conspicuously. Mayu rolled his eyes.

"I'm not dumb. And you're very obvious." Mayu held out a controller towards her.

"Whatever," Kuri huffed and took it from him. "It's not like it concerns you."

"Yeah, I'm not nosy—unlike you." Kuri scoffed and turned away. They sat in silence for a moment.

"Do you actually want me to tell you?" she asked, glancing back at him.


"Okay, then..."

While they played, Kuri's mind drifted elsewhere. She daydreamed for the billionth time what might have happened if Bakugo reciprocated her feelings. Would they be dating now? What would that mean for their future? Returning to California had reminded Kuri of the ever-approaching day that she would come back for good. Would Bakugo be willing to come back with her? Was she willing to stay in Japan with him? So Kuri decided it was for the best that he didn't like her back. Well, that's what she told herself to think.

Kuri loved him too much for her own good. Certainly too much to stay mad at him for rejecting her. He had no obligation to like her, so it was nonsensical for her to be angry. Though that didn't stop her from crying about it multiple times and constantly wishing she could take back her words.

In any case, Kuri was determined to patch things up with Bakugo as soon as she came back. She wasn't going to stay idle and prolong the inevitable awkwardness. When she stepped back into the dorms, she would find Bakugo and ask if he could ignore her feelings so they could be friends again. A tall order for Kuri, considering her shyness. But crush be damned, she refused to lose him in her life.

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