Chapter 4

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The week since I was forbidden to see Daniel has been more than I could bare.

I couldn't train with the ones I usually train with. I had to wait until one of my brothers would come back so that I could train as well.

- I miss you - Daniels texts this past week consisted of 'I miss you' and 'I want to see you so badly'

I smile to myself when I hear footsteps from behind me walking into the kitchen. I quickly place my phone in my pocket when I smelt who it was

I haven't spoken to my father in a week and I'm sure it was killing him. Neither have I spoken to my mother.

I never ask for much but this one thing I wanted and they wouldn't let me have it. I understand why, I truly do but I just can't help it.

"We have a pack meeting tonight" he says

That is all it has been this past week, talk of pack business as if I care. I nod my head and walk out when I feel his hand on my shoulder

"I wish you would talk to me sweetie" he whispers softly but instead I pull away and walk off to my room forgetting about my food that I left on the kitchen bench

A soft knock was heard on my door "Are you not hungry sweetie?" I hear my dad say from the other side. I groan and open the door. Yes I was hungry but I was just being too stubborn to answer right away.

I take my plate from my father who was trying to give me a soft smile. I love my dad to bits, he is my main protector but I just want to be loved for a bit even if that means being with someone who isn't my mate.

"Thanks" I say to him and close the door before he could say anything.

My siblings and I are close to our parents, it has always been this way. But this week, it has been slipping from me to be close to them. I don't hate them but I do feel like they are being a little too overprotective of me.

Damien walks into my room just as I am about to put my sandwich in my mouth. I groan when I see him with his arms folded across his chest.

"Don't even think about skipping the pack meeting tonight"

I glare at him "How do you-" he cut me off by putting his hand up in the air

"Because I know you Isabelle probably better than anyone... anyway when you are done eating do you want to spar with me?"

I stare at my sandwich then look back at Damien "I'll be down in ten"

I savour the taste of my chicken sandwich in my mouth before devouring it in a couple of bites. I hear my phone ringing and pick it up without looking at the name


"It's so good to hear your voice again" I hear an exasperated Daniel on the other line

"Daniel, you know we can't be talking" I say

"But they didn't say how specifically... I want to bend the rules for you" He says making my heart flutter and I blush "Meet me tonight at our other spot"

"I don't know, there's a pack meeting tonight that I wasn't going to but if you don't show and I don't show, they'll automatically assume that we are meeting up again" I say trying to hide the disappointment in my tone and being denied him once more

"Well, we will both just have to go to this pack meeting then now won't we" he says and I grimace at the thought of having only to see him whilst around my parents

"Ok I guess, I got to go and train with Damien, I'll text you later" I quickly hang up the phone and head down to an awaiting Damien in the back porch of our home.

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