Chapter 20

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After the sex in the lounge, it only increased my thirst for her that much more so when she walked upstairs naked, I took her again in the shower before she forcefully made me get changed otherwise we were going to be late for dinner.

"Are you ready babe?" I ask from the closet as I grab a jumper.

"Yeah" she calls back from the bathroom. We were only going to her aunts so she wasn't really going all out. I watch her step into the closet and eyed up what she was wearing. She wore a black wife beater with light grey jeans. She put on her flat ballet styles shoes and grabbed her oversized cardigan. Perfect choice because I was about to argue with her on her clothing choice.

I watch a smirk form on her lips "What's that for?" I say

She smiles at me "I knew you wanted to say something about my clothes" she says taking my hand "Lets go"

We head downstairs as I grab my set of keys. We could barely smell the blood anymore from Yasmin's body that had lingered at the front door.

We sat in the car and as I drove off I place my hand on her thigh giving her a little squeeze "I love you" I say

"I love you too" she says whilst looking at me with those beautiful eyes

In minutes we were pulling up to their house just as Melanie and Blake were getting out of their car.

Melanie still looked as though she had still been crying from earlier, not to say that Isabelle hadn't cried earlier but knowing my sister she probably still kept going feeling incredibly guilty for how she acted.

I got out and opened the door for my beautiful mate and walked up to the house.

"What happened?" Bree says with her hands on her hips. She looked from Melanie to Isabelle then glares daggers at Blake and I

"Nothing happened mum!" Blake says to her

"I swear Bree, it wasn't us it was them" I say gesturing to the two of them "It was just a little mishap"

"Yeah well I heard about it all from your father over the phone" Isaac says coming out of his office "I just got off the phone now"

I rubbed the side of my head "Yeah well there are a few matters that need to be addressed and I need his advice for so I've got to go and see him later... The both of us" I gesture to Blake as he nods his head

Isabelle walked over to Melanie and put an arm around her shoulder whispering things in her ear

"I am sorry, I - I didn't know" Melanie sobbed as Bree had a softened gaze on her face as she watched.

Hazel looks over frowning as we all enter the dining room

"Still upset from earlier?" She asks as Blake and I nod

We all take seats as dinner was being laid out on the table. I place a hand on Isabelle's thigh as she offers me a smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

Dinner was amazing, Isabelle couldn't finish her dinner but she sure could finish her ice cream and with a satisfied grin towards me she sighed in relief and rubbed her tummy.

"That was amazing aunty" she says as I place an arm around her shoulder

"Yeah it was to" I say

"Now I wanted to ask, are you going to New Blood?" Isaac asks

"Yeah" I turn to see Isabelle smiling up at me "we are"

"We're leaving tomorrow because I want to catch up with my sister" Bree says as I nod and Isabelle beams a smile

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