Chapter 8

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I was so consumed with discovering my mate I nearly forgot to walk to the car.

"You know I could ride my bike to your place?" She says snapping me out of my daze standing next to me

"Umm no I'll drive us anyway, that way I don't have to worry about you being on that bike" I say stepping close to her and entwining our fingers together.

"I bet you have a bike too?" She asks while I pull her along to my car parked on the road

I give a soft smile and nod "I don't see what the problem is then"

"The problem is, is that I won't get to have you next to me if I go in my car and you on the bike whereas now that I have you I want to spend more time with you, getting to know you inside and out" I say causing a slight redness on her cheeks to form.

As I drove us to my place, I could see out the corner of my eyes she kept stealing glances at me which I was doing to her.

When Blake told me his cousin was coming to stay, he told me she had run away because of a disagreement she had with her alphas, her parents.

Sometimes I honestly wish I could run away from my parents but I have a pack to look after and I guess it's easier for her.

While I drive, I watch every little movement she would make, she looked as if she wanted to say something but bit her bottom lip instead

"Are you ok?" I ask pulling into my driveway. She nods her head

"You have a beautiful house" She says as I get out of the car

"Wait, I'll get your door for you" I say making her blush again then removes her hand from the door handle.

I took her hand after opening the door and walked her into my home. Hopefully our new home. If I had my way she would be living here straight away but her having the blood alphas powers I doubt she will succumb to my decisions and wants with ease

She kept staring at me as I led her inside.

"Is everything ok?" I ask her. I watch her shake her head and sit at a breakfast stool "what?" I say finding it amusing

"You just surprise me"

"How is that?" I say

"Well I pictured when mates find each other they can't keep their hands off each other and have all these primal urges yet you... Are different" I smile at her

"Well I just have a huge amount of self control love and I can sense the same from you too" I pull out a few things to make dinner and she still watches me with a surprised look on her face making me smirk at her

"See you surprise me! The last alpha I met tried to seduce me with having his way with me in my bed" I stiffened at that thought as I had my back to her, another man touching her where my hands should be "And here you are being very gentlemen like" I smirked down while I chopped an onion "And you even cook! You are being nice for our first meeting... It's nice"

"From what you are use to?" I say regretting I even said that. Regretting as in not the reply I would soon get from her but how irritating it is for me to have said that

"Do you want a hand with that?" She asks making me turn and smile seeing her standing on the other side of the bench closer to where I stand

"I said I would cook you dinner love and I plan on doing just that... Keep talking because I love the sound of your voice"

"You have to stop making me blush"

"I can't help it babe" I say. Minutes later I had dinner ready and started dishing it out onto plates

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