12. Tea

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They wandered back into a beautiful little sitting area inside, as Noah had promised to sit with her and have tea. He'd also promised that if his mother came in and tried to steer the conversation towards the wedding, he would take Jaelyn's side. She was grateful to him, so very grateful. She didn't even know where to start thanking him.

"Have a seat, my lady," Noah bowed as they approached a dainty outdoor setting, surrounded by beautiful plants and kept nicely shaded in its ideal spot right in front of the garden, but still under the cover of the balcony above them.

"Thank you, my lord," Jaelyn replied with a giggle, moving to sit in the chair he had pulled out for her.

"Diana!" he called out, and a middle-aged woman came out of seemingly nowhere, almost appearing beside Jaelyn before Noah had even closed his mouth. "Would you be a gem and bring myself and my wife-to-be a pot of tea?"

"Of course, your Highness," Diana replied with a smile, bowing her head at the two before she turned and scurried off. Noah sat in the seat to Jaelyn's right, and together they looked out at the garden together, sitting in a comfortable silence. It was the most relaxed Jaelyn had been in probably her whole life, despite the situation she had found herself in, and she wasn't planning on letting reality get to her before she was able to enjoy a moment like this properly.

"Brother! I did not expect to see you out here at this hour of the morning! Come, sit with us!"

Jaelyn sighed inwardly. It seemed that moment was meant to be fleeting, if not existent at all.

Jaelyn turned her head slightly, trying to keep her gaze mutual and void of the pain she felt every time she heard his name. He too was dressed in nothing special, much like his brother, but the way he wore the loose shirt on his shoulders, and the way his dark pants hugged his legs made the breath in Jaelyn's throat hitch slightly, a blush threatening to crawl to her cheeks. He was beautiful. And he knew it. As if he needed any more encouragement.

"Noah," his voice was warm, but quieter than usual. His eyes found hers, but she gave him nothing. She couldn't let him hurt her again. "My lady," he added, bowing stiffly in her direction. "I thank you for the invitation, brother, but I would not mean to intrude."

"Nonsense," Noah chirped, gesturing to the third chair around the table as if it were placed there on purpose. "We would love to have you. Is that not right, my Lady?"

"Of course," Jaelyn agreed, nodding her head at the boys.

"We insist."

Damn it, Noah.

William moved slowly, every step a hesitation as if he was suddenly unsure of how to act properly. He managed to lower himself onto the outdoor chair as Diana and another small lady came out of the palace, balancing a tea set between the two of them.

"Oh, please, let me help you," Jaelyn said suddenly, rising from her seat to move forward quickly. She took the large tea pot Diana had been struggling with, allowing the woman to return both her hands to the small plates and cups she had also been carrying. She gave Jaelyn a look of surprise as she went to put everything on the table.

"Thank you, my lady, you are too kind," she announced finally, straightening her back to face Jaelyn after she had delivered the teapot to the table as well. "You did not have to do that. It is our privilege to serve you, and our princes."

Jaelyn smiled warmly at her, lifting her arm to settle her hand on the woman's shoulder. "As it is my privilege to serve you. You are no more a servant here than I. Anything you need; I am always happy to help. Just say the word."

Diana – and the girl beside her – both beamed at Jaelyn in turn, nodding and smiling as they turned and left her with the princes. She turned back around, settling in her seat before smiling tightly at the two men before her that were watching her inquisitively. She reached for the tea pot, taking the handle in her right hand and holding the lid on with her left.

"Tea?" she asked, looking at William. He nodded, a vacant look on his face as he stared at Jaelyn, many expressions held in his features that she could not read. She simply reached over and poured the warm tea into the cup that had been placed before him, then turned to Noah's and her own.

"Are you alright?" William asked suddenly, and Jaelyn lifted her head to him quickly, a frown creasing her forehead. She hesitated as she saw that he was not looking at her face, but rather her hand. She flinched instinctively, spilling some tea out of her cup, but recovering somewhat smoothly as she moved to place the tea pot down.

"Yes, thank you," she replied, clearing her throat. She tucked her right hand under the table as she lifted her left, taking the tea cup in her hand gently. "This is quite a lovely nook, Noah. I am surprised I have not come across it yet."

Noah didn't say anything. Her eyes flickered nervously to meet his, wondering if she was going to get caught in her avoidance of the topic or not. He was watching her carefully, almost as if he was trying to tell her something.

Tell him!

She could almost hear the words in his head. Sighing out in annoyance, she turned back to William and smiled tightly.

"I tripped," she explained light-heartedly. "Fell against the dresser in my room. I am fine. Thank you for your concern."

"What on earth did you trip on?" he pressed, the irritation in his voice clear. What was he annoyed at? What had she done wrong now?

"The leg of my bed," she shot back quickly. "Does it matter? I said I am fine."

"Kamryn," Noah practically scolded her, frowning. She sighed.

"Forgive me," she muttered finally, bringing a hand to her forehead as she closed her eyes. "I have not been sleeping, as of late. My mind is not with me."

Something dark flashed in William's eyes at her words, but it was gone before she could question whether it had been there at all.

"I understand. The wedding must be taking up all your thoughts," William said in reply, looking down at the untouched cup of tea sitting in front of him.

"Hardly," Jaelyn scoffed back. "The wedding has been the last thing on my mind, William. No offence," she added quickly, shooting a guilty look at Noah who shrugged in reply.

"I'm with you," he admitted. "Wouldn't it be nice if we could just choose who we want to be with? None of this 'arranged marriage' crap. I think our kingdom would do so much better without it."

"It would be nice," Jaelyn murmured, stealing a glance at William. He looked torn. "I guess we will never know."

"Who knows?" William said finally, his voice soft and quiet, so quiet that Jaelyn almost didn't hear him. His words only pierced her heart deeper than they already had, because she knew the only likely outcome of their forbidden love would be death, one way or another.

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