9. Adoration

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Jaelyn didn't know if she felt better or worse after telling Noah the truth. On one hand, it was nice to have someone who knew the truth about her and didn't want her dead; someone she could talk to who would understand her. But on the other, William wasn't taking so nicely to her and Noah's newfound bond. And, of course, Jaelyn couldn't tell him why. She felt the need to ignore Noah until they were alone together, but that would just make William more suspicious as it would appear they were sneaking off together. She eventually decided that it didn't matter what she did, as someone was going to be put in an awkward position either way. And majority of the time, it would be her.

He hadn't spoken with her since Noah returned a few days ago. As a matter of fact, she had hardly seen him at all. She knew it was because of the wedding, however. The only thing everyone was talking about anymore was this wedding; all through the day, people were approaching her asking her about colours and cakes and decorations; she didn't know what half of what they were saying meant, but she knew William couldn't put himself through listening to everyone planning a wedding that was meant to be his, involving the woman he wanted for his own. This made Jaelyn not want to go through with it, but of course, she had no choice. She didn't know what she or Noah were going to do, or what plan he was trying to come up with, but for the meantime they had agreed to just continue as normal, as if nothing had changed. It was the wisest thing to do, especially considering Maeve was still in the palace keeping her hawk eyes on everything that was going on. No doubt she was reporting everything she saw back to Tank, who would've been reporting that back to the King of Ronile. Jaelyn couldn't let anyone catch onto what she was thinking or planning, or she would be dead before nightfall.

"What about the sleeves?"

Jaelyn snapped back to reality, returning her gaze to the table before her. She sat at the dining table with bright, morning light pouring through the huge glass windows around them. The Queen sat to her right, with Noah across from her and a few servants hovering while they awaited orders. William sat off to the side of the room on one of the soft ottoman seats, a book in his hands.

"I'm sorry?"

"For your dress, dear," the Queen repeated, looking at her intently. "What were you thinking for the sleeves?"

"Oh. Honestly, it does not bother me. I trust your judgement."

"That is touching to hear, but it is your wedding," she continued, frowning slightly. "Are you quite alright? Your mind appears to be elsewhere, these past few days."

"I do apologise," Jaelyn replied honestly, trying to muster a small guilty smile. "My mind is just a little preoccupied. It is hard to concentrate on anything at the moment, let alone the sleeves of my dress."

"Your words ring true," the Queen sighed, leaning back slightly in her chair. "We have done nothing but discuss details over the last few days; we need something to capture your attention to the topic. How about we start some dancing lessons?"

Jaelyn shot a look at Noah, who returned her gaze with a quick shrug.

"Dancing?" she echoed.

"Yes!" the Queen bubbled, rising from her chair to reach for Noah's hands. She pulled him onto his feet, then proceeded to do the same with Jaelyn. "For your ceremony! It is tradition for the bride and groom to share a dance at their wedding. We have asked someone to come in from a neighbouring kingdom to teach the steps to you both."

"I think it is an excellent idea, mother," Noah chimed in, and the Queen beamed at him. "However, I seem to have tweaked my back yesterday when I was out in the city with Will, so I fear I will not be of much help in this instance. But I am sure my brother wouldn't mind stepping in in my absence? Would you, Will?"

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