8. The Truth

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She woke the next morning with a pounding headache. The events of the previous night filtered in to her mind, leaving her heart to ache all over again. Noah would return today, most likely with some made-up excuse as to who actually poisoned the princess, and they would start planning the wedding. She was in a mess; the only way she could avoid this whole situation would be if she just left, out of the blue, with no explanation. But she couldn't do that to William. He had been through enough already. He deserved the truth, even if it tore him apart. He had to know who she was.

She rose from her bed in silence, picking a simple black dress from her wardrobe before adorning it in front of the mirror. She styled her dark hair into a simple, neat knot behind her head, and let out a dreary sigh before pulling on some shoes and leaving her room.

She did not know where she planned on going until she reached the small courtyard William had taken her to the night before. She sat on the bench, placing a hand gently on the rotting wood, and let the memories of their night together soak into her skin, bringing those butterflies back into her stomach. It almost threatened a smile to shine on her face before she was interrupted by the sound of the door opening before her. She looked up, finding a pair of beautiful dark eyes watching her from the archway.

"Thought I might find you out here."

If possible, William looked even more beautiful than he had the previous night, at the ball. It made her stomach churn in her throat.

"It is a nice morning," she replied simply, lifting from the bench and bringing her hands together in front of her. "I wished to see it for a moment before the events of the day start to wear me down."

William didn't reply, not for a moment.

"My brother has returned," he said finally, his voice quiet. "I was asked to find you and bring you to the dining hall. He wishes to address us all, you included."

Jaelyn nodded and followed William back through the palace until they reached the dining hall, not bothering to engage in conversation with him. She couldn't bring herself to be honest with him if she wasn't planning on sharing the whole truth with him at the same time. And she didn't want to do that any time soon.

They entered the dining hall together, to find the King standing beside his wife who looked happy in the least to see her husband and son again, after so long. Noah stood to the side, hands behind his back. When he saw them enter, his face lit up, and he moved to greet his brother with a wide smile.

"It is good to see you again, brother," he said warmly. William met Noah with a firm hand shake, a smile of his own on his face.


"And I must thank you for taking such good care of my betrothed while I was away," Noah continued, turning his face to Jaelyn. Something glinted in his eyes, some kind of truth. Her heart fell as she knew what this meant. He knew. About her, he knew. He had the truth. And he was about to share it with everyone.

"Do not mention it," William muttered, moving back to stand to one side as Noah glanced at him, confused. He looked back at Jaelyn, as if trying to figure something out.

"My Lady Kamryn," he announced, and moved to bow before her. She watched him, keeping her expression plain and civil. He lifted his head and reached a hand out to take hers, placing a kiss upon the top of it. "I do hope you have recovered well enough?"

"Well enough indeed," she answered coolly. "It is as if it never happened."

"Good to hear," he murmured, clearing his throat as he straightened. "I had wished to address my family about a few details I came across in my travels with my father; we visited your kingdom, my lady, where we spoke with your parents. Originally, I know you had not planned on having them at our wedding, but I convinced them otherwise. They will have a place beside my parents, to be a part of it. Does this make you happy?"

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