Ch. 24

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Bonnie's p.o.v.

Everything feels hazy as I blink a couple of times. I look around seeing that I am in Ares's bedroom. Moving a little bit felt difficult for few minutes. I turn my head seeing Ares sleeping on top of me. Hatred coursed through my veins as I take my strength to push him off me, but he woke up grabbing me by the neck. "L-Let go off me!" I yelled clawing at his arm. His eyes had an in-tense glare, "Why did you do it?" he asked, leaning in closer. Confusion crossed my face, but soon noticed what he was talking about. I clicked my tongue in annoyance, "You kidnapped an innocent girl from her family!" screaming in his face seemed to bother him but I did not care. He releases my neck, sitting up on the bed, sighing heavily.

I rise from the bed, marching to the door. "You better just behave bunny, or she will die because of you," Ares's voice felt heavy, sounding like he cared. A laugh escaped from me, "Might as well I die with her too. I would probably be free from this hell hole and you," I leave the bedroom before he said anything. Walking down the stairs I see Alec laying on the couch. Our eyes made contact. "Look who is up and angry. If you are looking for your new friend, you will not find her," he chuckled, sitting up on the couch. I roll my eyes sticking up my middle finger, "Go suck some balls, Alec," I cursed.

His smile disappeared in an instant, "Give up on the whole bold act bunny, because it will not save you, he stood up walking towards me. Fear crept in slowly in my soul, but I stood my ground, "Maybe you should stop being an ass wipe for once then I won't act like this". Alec steps closer to me, looking down, "Cut the attitude or I will," he grabbed my chin harshly. A smile comes on my face, "It would be lovely if you would just kill me instead," I pushed him away from me as I walk out the front door.

I run to the lake and strip, leaving on my underwear. I dive into the cold lake, feeling the waves caress my skin lightly and my ears hearing the water run through it. I swim back to the surface, taking a deep breath of fresh air. I look back at the cabin as something ticked in my head. Swimming further in the lake, I float on my back, looking at the cotton candy sky. All this could have gone different if Ares was not a kidnapper. "Just what would happen if I didn't open that door? Would it still turn out like this?" a sigh escapes from me. The memory of the picture I discovered comes back, "How does he know my mother?" the questions come in one after the other.

I think back to dinner with my parents. Now that I look back, I can see him looking at my mother lovingly, but my mother does not know him. My mind was filled with more questions and I felt like I was getting a migraine headache. I did not feel like going back to the cabin just yet. Diving back into the deep waters, I let my body sink. I slowly closed my eyes and put myself into a crutched position. The deep lake water feels peaceful....suddenly a shock comes from my wrist making me swallow in some water. Quickly swimming back to the surface, climbing on the green grass. Coughing up some water, I try to catch myself. Footsteps approach me slowly.

Looking up I see Ares. I clench my teeth, "Leave me the hell alone!" I screamed, grabbing a fist full of dirt and throwed it at him. He looks unfazed by my anger, "Get up," he ordered with a cold voice. I glared at him, "Why so you can torture me huh?" Ares took a step forward, reaching for me. I crawl back a little, "Do not touch me," hissed, as my arms trembled. He stared down at me, backing up. Forcing myself off the ground I walk past to go collect my clothes and walked towards the cabin.

Walking back into the cabin, my eyes came in contact with Elizabeth sitting on Alec's lap. I clench my fist together, heading up the stairs. "You know you should not swim far from the cabin," Alec's voice makes me pause in my tracks. I turn to look at him, "You know what Alec, go get a bullet cocked in your ass!" I gritted my teeth. "Bonnie!" Ares yelled out my name. I ignore him and continue to march up the stairs. Taking a sharp turn, I reach my room. I lock the door behind me and groaned, "Tonight," I mumbled under my breath.

I run into the bathroom taking a quick shower as I figure out a way to get this bracelet off me. My heart throbbed as I look around the bracelet, seeing a chip. "This must have been chipped when I accidentally cut my wrist," happiness engulfed me, as I hop out of the shower. I wrap the towel around me as I take out my pocketknife from the hoodie. Sitting on the bathroom floor, I cut the chip area carefully, hoping not to cut myself again. It takes some time for it to let me slide my wrist. I jump to my feet in joy. All I need to do is find Sophia and we can both get out of here.

Getting out of the bathroom, I grab my phone seeing my wallpaper of my mother and father, "I'll be home soon..." I smile bright. I put on the hoodie and put it back on the bracelet so it does not look suspicious. Rushing out the bedroom, I jog down the stairs, humming softly. Someone cleared their throat making my happiness disappeared. I turn seeing Alec, Ares, and Sophia. My attention went to Sophia who looked beat up, heaving on the floor.

I rush towards her, making her lean on me. "I told you they had a connection," Alec cleared his throat once more. Ares said nothing as he looked down at us. I held Sophia closer to me, "What did you do to her?" asked in a snap. "We just gave some lessons on behaving that is all and soon you will get this treatment if you don't behave Bonnie," Ares said walking away. My eyes widen hearing those words from Ares, himself. I wonder what he will do to me if I crossed the line?

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