Ch. 26

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Bonnie's p.o.v.

It was the night of freedom. Sophia was downstairs grabbing food, and I went to grab both Ares and Alecs keys so when they notice that we are gone, they will be at a disadvantage. Before we even came downstairs, we left our bracelets in the bedroom so nothing can detect our movements. "Do we have everything?" Sophia asked, under her breath afraid if she talked any louder, we would be caught. Smiling at each other in pure glee, but we recomposed ourselves quickly. "We have 5 minutes to go. Head out the backdoor," I whispered handing her both keys. She runs to the backdoor and unlocked it as quietly as she can, "I'll see you outside, but hurry, going outside.

I zipped my bag close, slinging it over my shoulders. My heartbeat could not even calm down for a second, feeling the celebration of reuniting with my family. Suddenly the sound of someone clearing their throat makes me freeze in my motion. I slowly turn my head seeing Elizabeth standing inches away from the alarm system. "I am not even going to ask what you are doing, but should not being doing this," she said, staring into my soul. Fixing the backpack on my back, I straighten up my back, "I do not want to stay here by my will. You can even come with us if you please so we all help each other, or you can ring that alarm and get us killed?" I glanced over by the clock seeing that I only have 3 minutes before the camera cooldown is over, "Imagine if we get to escape you will be punished and the same thing will happen even if we get caught because you were supposed to be watching us...."

"Are you threatening me?" saying those words made me confused. "Come on don't say that. You know Alec would be merciless when you betray him, but you will not have to see his face again if you come with us. We can split from each other after we get to a safe zone. You do not even have a bracelet so everything—" I pause for a moment when Elizabeth shakes her head.

"I cannot go with you. I....also have a tracker but it is in my flesh," she walks towards me slowly, "I will only slow you down. Don't even promise me that you will be back for me because I will be dead before you come to save me," She reaches me and brings me into a hug, "Just promise me that both of you will stay together be safe..." Her words sound shaky, hugging me tighter. Not knowing what to do, I hugged her back, "I can still save you....I don't want to leave you...." I release from the hug, running towards the alarm system. "What are you doing?" she asked softly following me.

I grab my pocketknife and open the alarm box, "Do you know where the main camera is located?" I asked quickly. Elizabeth looked confused but nodded her head. "Find the main camera and cut both red and blue. Hurry," I commanded. She ran off to the kitchen. 'Bonnie the things you do just to save someone kills me....curse you Dad! The thought makes me want to laugh but I focus on the subject. Getting the box open I cut some wires and reattached some then put in an old date. This should be a decoy, so when the camera comes on, they will rewind to yesterday's photo. Closing the box I run back to the kitchen seeing Elizabeth cutting the wires of the main camera.

Grabbing her attention, "Where is the tracker?" asking her in a hurry. "My shoulder..." she gulped. Her eyes looked like they were about to cry any second. Suddenly Sophia came back inside, "What the hell is going on? We have to go now," she yelled/whispered coming towards us. "We cannot leave her here," I quickly answered. Sophia looked confused then sighed, "Then we can take her since I fucked her little kidnapper's car," she smiled big showing her victory, "Now we have to go now," she runs out the door. Elizabeth and I followed, "We are getting the hell out of here one way or another," I whispered to Elizabeth, "Have a little hope..."

We make it towards Ares truck, which was already reared up for takeoff. My eyes glance over to Alec's car, which a total mess of hell that I cannot even explain. I hop into the driver's seat, "Please tell me how you got the car messed up in minutes when we separated?" I asked as Sophia hopped in the back with Elizabeth. "Let's just say that Ares has a lot of shit to use," she said laughing. I back out the drive-through full speed wanting to get the hell out really of here.

We soon got to the main street and the screams of victory rung through the truck. I speed down the empty road, "Should we attract police to make it easier?" Elizabeth asked out of the blue. I look in the mirror thinking for a bit, "We can but we need to go further until we hit the gas station so we can get the tracker out of you like now," I speed up, remembering the gas station was a bit of 3 hours away from the cabin, "Just hold on..." I pressed down the gas hearing the truck roar in bliss.

Soon we reach the gas station, and it was open. We park up quickly behind the gas station, just in case but we will get gas to refill what I used to speed here. We get out of the truck and run inside. The lady looked at me confused, "Is everything okay?" she asked, a little scared. "Do you got any needles and shit for a surgery?" Sophia asked. I explained that we will have to get the tracker out of Elizabeth's shoulder by ourselves since we are far from a hospital to help us. The lady nods her head then disappeared, coming back with a first aid kit. "If you see these men," I pause bringing out the photo showing her Ares and Alec, "We do not exist here...please". The lady nods her head but looked confused trying to understand what is going on.

We grab the things and head to the bathroom. I pulled some paper towels so Elizabeth can sit down on the toilet. I run back outside and grabbed some towel, "I'm sorry I need this..." I run back inside. Sophia disinfect the spot we need to get. "You can bite on this in the meantime," she says handing her the towel. Elizabeth looks scared but she takes a deep breath and bites the towel.

"Bonnie please tell me you know what you are doing?" Sophia asked, concerned. A smile came across my face, "Yeah I do. My mother was a nurse when she was young so she showed me around the ropes, so I am an expert at it," I wash my hands first, "Just knowing that this is going to be messy....." I went into a mode, readying myself. I grab my pocketknife, disinfecting it also, and began the surgery cutting her flesh. Elizabeth muffled screams echoed a little bit as Sophia held her hands to keep them flailing just in case. "I see it!" I praised seeing the little tracker.

Grabbing the tweezer, carefully pull out the tracker, "Slowly...nearly there...." I whisper as sweat runs down my forehead. I pull out the tracker n place it in toilet paper. I sew her up tightly as possible then wrap her shoulder. All of us sigh in victory then cleaned up. I flush the tracker down the toilet, "One step complete".

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