|2| Eagles and snakes

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November 12th, 1977

8.45 pm

James never understood the point of November.

According to him, it was a useless month between Halloween and Christmas. Nothing interesting happened in November. It was too cold to go swimming in the black lake, but not cold enough for it to snow.

Hogsmeade lacked the white pallium that covered its streets in December, but you still had to wear gloves and scarves so as not to freeze to death.

With Halloween already passed, putting fake spiders in Alice Fortescue's bed or convincing nearly-headless Nick to help them scare Dorcas Meadowes during potion's class was completely out of place. And since Christmas was still a month away, it was too soon to start collecting gifts or singing carols.

So yes, James was fully convinced that November was a useless month. Of course, Sirius flatly disagreed, because, "Prongs, what are you talking about? Is the best month of the year. How can it not be when I was born in it?" And James was thankful with November for bringing his best friend to this world, but the rest of it was still crap.

"And what are you going to drink Jamie?"

James looked away from the Three Broomsticks' glass; Madam Rosmerta was eying him expectantly. Beside her, a white notebook floated, while some kind of levitating pencil jotted down customers' orders.

He winked an eye at her. "I'll have a butterbeer."

"Brilliant," she beamed. "I'll be back in a minute." She smiled softly at them before turning to the bar, her long red skirt flowing with her short steps.

Once they all had their drinks over the table— Butterbeer for James and Peter, Daisyroot Draught for Remus, and Berry Ocky Rot for Sirius— Sirius started prattling about this Hufflepuff sixth-year chick that had hinted on Remus during breakfast.

"Can you believe it?!" He shoved his glass against the table so hard that James was surprised it didn't break. "The audacity!"

"There are people that still don't know you two are dating?" Peter asked, scourgify-ing the table to clean up the red liquid that had spilled from Sirius's glass.

"Apparently," Sirius said, with an offended tone. "Moony, we need to be more public."

"I'm sorry, 'more'?" James scoffed. "Weren't you snogging against Zonko's wall just like five minutes ago?"

"And obviously that's not enough to keep the slimy Hufflepuffs away from my man!"

Remus cackled, choking on the brownish liquid that filled his glass. "God, Sirius, if I have to put up with the ridiculously big amount of people that check you out every morning in the great hall, I'm pretty sure you can survive one single girl being friendly to me."

"'Being friendly'?! She was practically drooling! Undressing you with her eyes!" Sirius crowed, dramatically. "And you are way out of my league you idiot, imagine how insecure I feel!"

"You are one of a kind."

"You two should kiss after we win the next quidditch game," James recommended, laughing at Sirius' dramatic antics. "It's the first Slytherin versus Gryffindor of the season, so everyone's gonna be there, and I think it would send the message pretty well."

Remus eyed him in frustration. "Potter, don't give him ideas!"

"No. No. No. Shut it Moons. That's actually a great idea!" Sirius shoved his black waves from his forehead, and suddenly wished he had brought something to tie his hair. "It will be very public and also will send a message to the needy bitches who want to steal my boyfriend." He ended with a grin.

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