|24| Christmas days

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Tuesday, 20th December 1977

10.43 am.

'How the fuck can you bear to have him so close? I'd rather just leave if I had to sit with him. Does he smell bad?



'You smell worse.



'Don't you dare talk bad about my dazzling scent. Many have described it as 'alluring'.



'They were lying.



'Didn't know you were such passionate about by delicious fragrance to have it memorized. Can't blame you though.



'As passionate as you are about Severus's. Do you have some kind of weird insult kink or just a Severus fixation? I'm getting suspicious.



'Merlin, a chill has gone through me and now Moony is looking at me like I'm crazy. I told you don't even joke about that, it's disturbing. Why are you still sitting next to him? If I were you, I'd move to another table.



'Oh, fuck off Potter. If I'm here, it's your fault.



'I thought we had stopped calling each other by last names, Regulus, you really never fail to disappoint me.

I've told you a thousand times that I'm sorry... I even risked getting poisoned for you! I think Pomfrey's potion has left my stomach churning...



'If you mention a single word about your scatological state, I will burn this scroll and never speak to you again in my life.

And this is your fault! Right now, I should be in potions class with my friends (if I have any left), and instead, I'm sitting next to these assholes. And that's your fault.



'You should have agreed to sit with me, now accept the consequences.



'Oh right, I don't know which is worse: Mulciber, Avery and their bunch of knob-ends, or you and your friends.



'My friends are great; you would love them. Literally, everybody does, do you think it's because of nothing?

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