|9| Quidditch makes the young people aggressive -and horny

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November 26th, 1977

6.34 pm.

The cheers could be heard all over the ground; in the back of the Quidditch pitch, the Slytherin team was looking at Warrington's playboard, hearing her loud tone of voice while she ranted about different plays and players they ought to be careful with.

The quidditch commentator was already welcoming the students from the four different houses. "How're y'all in this fine Saturday evening?" A thunderous voice said through the microphone. "Oliver Doyle, by the way. The wizarding world's next best-ever professional Quidditch commentator. That's the plan, at least."

Warrington finally put aside the playboard and had the team gather in a circle. "Well, this is it," she said, already sweating. "We have to beat them, there's no other option."

The whole team nodded, determined. Rowle cracked his knuckles, and Carrow made a little noise that sounded a lot like a snarl.

"We have to go out in two minutes or so, so prepare yourselves mentally for what is coming, it will be a tough game," he reached out to grab Regulus by the wrist, nodding her head for Rebastan to follow them. "Black, Lestrange, we have something to discuss."

She led them to a secluded corner, so the rest of the team wouldn't eavesdrop on them. "Have you been practising the Wronski feint?" She snapped at Regulus, who nodded rapidly. "And? You'll be able to do it at the match?"

"Well, yeah, I think so," Regulus answered. "I mean, I managed to do it at the practice, but maybe with the heat of the moment..."

"Forget about the heat of the moment!" She yelled. "Whether we win or lose is up to you, Black! Don't screw it!"

"In these kinds of situations, people usually say 'no pressure' and call it a day," he mumbled, rolling his eyes. "I can beat her, probably. As long as the Gryffindors don't cheat."

"If they cheat, we cheat first," Arabella stated. "Rebastan and I have something planned in case you need help; if you find yourself in trouble, give us a signal and we'll get her out of the way," she murmured, with an almost scary look.

Rebastan nodded, with a haughty smile. "Just a little trick Rowle and I found in a book in the restricted section," he said, smugly. "Trust us, baby Black, we'll clean the way for you, and the only thing you'll have to do is catch that snitch; as easy as stealing a candy from a child."

"As long as it doesn't include seriously hurting anyone, I really don't give a damn about what 'little trick' you want to pull out," Regulus said blankly, brushing his hair from his forehead.

"Of course not, Reggie," Rebastan said, smirking. "It's just a game, we wouldn't hurt anyone," he added with a laugh. "Don't be nervous."

Regulus gave Rebastan a sly look. "I'm not nervous. And don't call me Reggie."

"You better not be," Warrington chimed in. "You can beat that harridan with your eyes closed, you have done it before. The fact that they have trained a little more than necessary only indicates that they are not sure they can beat us either."

"I know, Arabella."

"Please welcome the beloved Gryffindor team!" Quidditch commentator's voice yelled again.

From the place where the Slytherin team was, it could be heard how the brooms of the other team's players broke the wind, rising with speed up to the sky. "Owen Anthony! Gryffindor's new keeper." Oliver yelled. "He's a good lad but still owns me ten sickles," a small snort that seemed to come from a woman was heard in the background through the microphone. "It was just a fun fact professor. Look at the beaters, Vance and Sloper!"

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