I Mean...

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Amy's POV


Sonic's POV
I was on a run because I was almost late for a team meeting that I called for today.

About 2 minutes of running h***a fast, I made it to the team headquarters.

Everyone was there and I was the only one late. Well... Everyone except Amy...

Amy wasn't invited, because this meeting was actually about her. And I'm not so savage to freaking talk about her in front of her face so I addressed the team about it first before I go and tell her...


"Ok, I'm glad you guys are here. So this meeting is about-"

"Where the h*** is Amy? She's never late for a meeting!" Silver said matter-of-factly.

I rolled my eyes at the disrespectful interruption. "*Clears throat loudly* THIS MEETING... Is about Amy... Just her." I said loudly so everyone can hear me.

Everyone quickly shut up and gave me all of their attention.

"Amy- I mean Amelia Lynn Rosetta has to go if she doesn't change her style! I mean- we can't be seen with y'know... A child?" I said awkwardly.

It felt weird saying that about Amy but Sally threatened to cancel the whole crew if she- I mean JUST AMY didn't change her ways and style.

The whole crew looked at me in shock and disappointment. I didn't want to do this but it's for their own good.

"Guys, I'm sorry. I have to do this or Sally would cancel the whole team and we would loose everything and even worse... Get kicked outside of Mobius. So please try to understand." I pleaded hopelessly.

The whole team just nodded and stayed silent.

I felt guilty to the core. But I swore to myself that I would make it up to Amy some how when she finds out.

After a little discussion, the team left in pity. It was like as if they were dragging themselves out the door.

I signed sadly.

So much for trying to care for the team, I'm pretty sure I just broke them...

Amy's POV
I was busy mixing some chocolate-chip cookie dough when the door bell rung.

I happily skipped towards the door and opened it and smiled warmly to see Sonic standing there with a smile.

He looked tensed though, not gonna lie.

"Hey Sonic! What's up?" I said cheerily.

Sonic rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Amy, I need to tell you a few things." He muttered.

"Ok!" I said excitedly. I had a gitty feeling that he was gonna confess for some reason, but I was incredibly wrong...

"So, I-" He started. Then he paused for an awkward moment.

"I'm sorry Amy, but you can't be seen with the team if you don't get rid of the little-red riding hood dress and the childish act and the fact that you chase me around 24/7." He said quickly and frustratedly.

I was surprised as to hearing this even though I shouldn't have been. "S- Sonic... I- Why though?" I asked with tears coming up to my eyes, I quickly swallowed them away though.

Sonic signed in annoyance. "Because! You make us look like fools! I'm sorry Amy, but it's about time you grew up." He said sadly.

I started to get angry but I shook the feeling off. All I did was walk away without an expression or word.

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