Sweet S€X-Teen pt.7

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Amy's POV

I went to the backstage and I met up with my friends. They all ran to me and gave me hugs, like how last time happened.

"You we're awesome, Amy! Now that song is stuck in my head. Did you make the song?" Rouge asked me.

"Nah, it's a new song by Catti B called Up. One of my favorites," I told her.

Then Sonic pushed everyone out the way and rushed over to give me a hug. "I never knew you to be so vulgar and rap but I like it," Sonic said to me.

"Heh heh..." I muttered out as I rub the back of my neck sheepishly.

"Amy, we have a surprise for you. Would you care to come with me?" Sonic said, mimicking a pish-posh voice.

"Of course," I pish-poshed back at him. We laughed and then he picked me up and sped over to where ever he was taking me.

Then he slowly put me down in a pitch-black room. I was starting to freak out because I heard him speed off. Next thing I know, the lights turn on and I get scared with a big,"SURPRISE! HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY!"

I gasped in total shock. They remembered! I was smiling so big, my cheeks were beyond hurting.

Then I stopped smiling as soon as I saw my sister, Averie.

"A- Averie...?" I muttered out in total shock. I couldn't find my words. She nodded with a friendly smirk on her face.

"The one and only!" She said in a proud voice. I cried and ran over to her. I gave her a big fat hug.

"I missed you so much!" I cried out on her shoulder. She patted my back as she soothed me with some kind words. "I know, I know, sis... Let it all out," She cooed as I cried harder.

After about 5 minutes, I stopped crying and look at all my friends. "Thank you guys... This means the world to me. I legitimately thought that you forgot... I guess I was wrong," I murmured.

Then everybody smiled at me and rushed in for a group hug.

I felt so special. Once we got out the group hug, I inspected the decor. It was beautiful.

"Wow, this is amazing," I cooed as I eyed the decor in awe. "Thanks gurl, I did it with the help of Blaze," Rouge said confidentialy. I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully.

Then something wonderful caught my wonderful eyes. I spotted a whole-a**, giant CAKE right in front of me.

It's BOOTIFUL! I was extremely hungry, so I couldn't wait to get to that cake.

But Averie totally read my mind when she came out with a huge platter of mac-n-cheese, oysters, biscuits, and gravy!

That was my favorite dish, it was me and my mom's favorite dish...

Mom... I wish she were here... I thought sadly. But my thoughts were disturbed thankfully by Blaze as she gave me a big hug.

"Happy Birthday, Amy!" She said with a warm smile. I smiled and giggled as I watched Rouge fake-cry and talking about some,"They grow up so fast..."

After a few minutes of socializing, we all sat down at a big table and ate. The food was amazing.

After we ate, we all decided to dance our a**es off. While we we're dancing, there was a certain knock at the door.

I decided to open it since everyone else was too busy dancing to notice.

I opened the door to see Scrouge standing shyly with a bouquet of roses in his hands. He had on a little black bowtie, which I thought was cute.

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