Chapter 3 - Hunter Exam (3)

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Like Fuyu thought, this part of the exam was easy for her. She was keeping up with Satotz while the others were getting lost in the fog. For a good moment, Fuyu felt intense bloodlust, something she would have to get used to since she never felt that much bloodlust before in her world. When she felt it at first she felt it hard to breath or move, but she had snapped out of it, she had fought villains before during her internships, she had fighting experience. Just like overcoming her first initial fear of when fighting a villain, she had overcome her fear of the sudden bloodlust.

'I can get used to it... I need to.' "I am surprised you can keep track of me so easily," Satotz spoke up, looking at the girl walking right behind him. Fuyu nodded slightly. "How are you enjoying the exam so far?"

"It's good training," Fuyu replied, adjusting her hood. "It seems as if the stages will get more difficult from here on out." Satoz nodded, not longer initiating in conversation, he probably understood that Fuyu wasn't much of a talker.

They reached the second exam site safely, participants scattered around the clearing, some tired from the exam already. Fuyu noticed that there were many participants missing, but she didn't care, that just meant that she had less competition. 'Just like the hero licensing exam, weed out the competition.' A few minutes later, Hisoka appeared carrying Leorio and placed him up against a tree.

Fuyu raised an eyebrow at the scene, wondering why he was carrying an unconscious Leorio, but she shook the thought off, it was none of her business. When Hisoka put him down and started to walk away he glanced at Fuyu, sensing his glance Fuyu looked over her shoulder at him. The two stared at each other until she looked away, walking towards Gon and Kurapika who had just arrived at the site.

"Killua! Karugari-san!" Gon happily shouts.

"I can't believe that you got here. I thought you were done for," Killua comments and Fuyu quietly stands beside him.

"I just tracked Leorio's cologne."

'What?' Fuyu blinks, surprised. "Cologne? That was how you got here?" Killua blurts out in disbelief, slouching as he deadpans. "You definitely are weird." 'I second that.'

"Excellent work everyone," Satotoz said, his voice echoing throughout the site. "Phase two of the exam occurs here, in the Visca Forest Preserve. So I will take my leave." He lowers his arms and walks off into the forest again. "Best of luck to all of you."

With that, the gates on the site opened, starting the second phase. When the gates creaked open, it revealed a spacious area leading to a mansion. Two examiners sit in the building, introducing themselves. The woman was Menchi and the man was Buhara, everyone crowded around them tense for what the second phase would be. Suddenly, a loud rumble breaks the tension.

Buhara reveals that it was his stomach and that he was hungry. Many start to whisper, confused and curious as to what is going on. "There you have it. Phase two will involve... Cooking!" Menchi reveals, announcing the phase.

Cue in the shouts of disbelief from almost all the participants.

"That's quite right. Your challenge for the Second Phase is to produce a dish that would satisfy our palette," Menchi explains and a participant bursts out in anger, questioning why they needed to cook.

"We are Gourmet Hunters!" she declares with pride laced in her voice. The crowd jeers with mocking laughter and Fuyu scowls. To make it even worse, Hisoka's bloodlust was leaking out towards the examiners, Menchi already seeming angry enough.

"Anyone who has any objection can go home." Everyone becomes silent at Menchi's words. "For the second phase Buhara will order a food that you guys have to make, when you pass his order, you will move onto mine." The crowd starts to get rowdy again with murmurs and complaints. "Look, I said before if you don't want to take the test you're free to go home."

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