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Emmaliese's letter to Charlie

Hey dad,

Read this, before you wonder where I am and rush to call Bella to inquire about my whereabouts :-P

I am going to Italy for a short vacation with some friends whom I met during a get together at the Cullens house.
(don't worry they are trustworthy. I have been in touch with them since Bella's wedding. Bella knows them and Dr. Carlisle as well)
I guess this is enough reassurance that I will be absolutely fine.

About why I went so suddenly?
Well at first I was really not sure if I wanted to go when they invited me to join them. It was an at the minute decision. Also from a long time I was thinking of having a short trip to somewhere before enrolling in college to refresh my mind and appreciate the break.
I'm really very sorry I didn't inform you beforehand.
But I promise I'll be back soon.
I'll be safe and sound and I hope the same for you.
Pinky promise ;-)
PS: I prepared an early dinner which is in the fridge. Microwave for thirty seconds before eating.
PPS: enjoy the peace while I'm gone. I'll be back as my chaotic self soon.

Lots of love,
Emms 🌸


Emmaliese letter to Carlisle

Dear Carlisle,

First of all thank you so much for being so supportive throughout. I really appreciate that a lot.
Like everything, I hope you understand this one perspective of my life too.
About why I chose to go with him.

I have one last favour to request for.
In my absence, please do not ever let my secret come out, by any means.
I don't want Bella and Charlie to know about my illness ever.
It may sound stupid but I'm bounded and blinded by these emotions that are not allowing me to hurt my family anymore.
I hope you will understand my situation.
In the end I'm always thankful of you and your family for always being there for me and my sister.
Thank you so much.
Till next time,
Emmaliese Mary Swan


Emmaliese letter to Bella

My dearest Bella,

First of all remove those worry lines from your face and put on your my favourite smile.
I know you must be thinking that I  abandoned you once again. But its not true.
At all.

You are my precious person and I can never think of abandoning you and  forgetting you ever. I'm only leaving because I know my baby Bells isn't alone anymore. You now have a loving daughter, supportive family and above all a caring husband, your other half.
And that's what compelled me to go.
My other half.

All this time, I am sorry, I never told you this but in reality I was tragically never fine Bella.
All this time, I was feeding myself lies, giving myself false hopes that everything was fine with me. That I could forget him and go on with my life as if I never met him.
As if he never existed.
But this was not reality anymore. It was an illusion that I was confining myself into and in turn rendering  myself hollow.

In those few moments I spent in Italy with him, in those scarce seconds his presence, his whole existence mingled with me that coming back to Forks, felt like being imprisoned away from my most priced possession. My heart refused to accept the fact that indeed in spite off the fact that he was my soul mate, he was not in my life and my destiny.
Even though he was composed in the lines of my palms, solely for me, he was not meant to be held in my hands.
It took only a month for my body to acknowledge the truth that the only thing there ever was, was just  an essence of him, in my dreams, in my hallucinations.
And that's when the pain originated.
It was very insignificant in the beginning but it intensified slowly. The more the truth of me and him never happening settled, the more the pain grew.
Until one night...

I heard him. His voice.
I don't know why and how it happened or if it was even real or not or maybe I was going insane. But I accepted it indeed in the event it was an unadulterated madness, I accepted it.
I talked to him. About anything and everything. He became my new solace. My possess bubble of consolation.

I stopped talking to him after your pregnancy news. And I am sure I didn't imagine his desperate tries to hear my voice again. If anything it gave me certain affirmation or a hope that maybe he wanted me as well. That perhaps he was as vulnerable as me.
I didn't talk to him at all after that nevertheless and it was agonizing. Exceptionally much.

The night prior the war he told me to be prepared coz he was coming.
It won't fall on me as an astonishment  if the Volturi call me to sign up for them tomorrow.

About my choice...,
Months of living with this pain and torment, presently I know where I really belong. And it's with him.
I have no idea what the future holds for me Bella.
But I know that I want him. And going with him is the only way that can happen.
This mate bond is a very twisted game.
Even his voice is enough for the hurt to subside.
I was never this lovesick and frail but guess life at long last happened with me.
And someone told me life is not fair.

I hope you understand Bella. This is the step I am taking for me.
As for my safety, I trust him Bells. He won't hurt me himself nor let anybody else inflict harm on me.
Something about him assures me of that.

In the end, Just know that I will always love you. Take care of Renesmee and keep checking on Charlie. Old man needs support. ;-)

PS: I told Charlie I'm going to Italy for vacation with Cullen's friends whom I befriended some time ago.

Handle the situation with poor dad.

Love you so much Bells, FOREVER.. .
Emms 💕


Hey everyone,
This finally finishes the Forks arc of the story.
From now onwards, get ready to journey through Volterra. With The Volturi's in their very own abode.

*New characters will join the story later on for extra twists and turns. (those will be my own characters from my own world of imagination along with Emmaliese)

Give this super short part your love and support through your



And don't forget to share the story.

Question of the chapter :

Do you like solo travelling? Or in a group?
Who will you go on a trip with, friends or family?
Your dream destination?

My Answers:
I want to travel solo once in my life. I feel most comfortable in travelling with group though.
Friends are more fun but family is comfort. Can't really choose between the two.
Dream travel destination for me is MALDIVES, SOUTH KOREA, SWITZERLAND, LONDON & PARIS & NYC

Happy reading🎉🎉🎊🎊

With love,

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