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Emmaliese POV

Carlisle suggested to try other Cullen's powers and that meant Jasper and Alice.

So for that I met with the Cullens the coming weekend. Rosalie was not interested in meeting me and neither was I to see her. She didn't have any 'gifts' as they call it so I didn't have to have much interaction with her except a hello from my side.

I was quite excited about Alice's powers and yeah I was on the first name basis with all the Cullens and Hales.

But unfortunately Alice's seer abilities did not work on me. She couldn't see my future and I couldn't see anyone's future and in the end I had to study for my test on Monday in algebra because again I could not foresee the test paper as I imagined. Let's just say I had a sleepless Sunday.

On top of that Jasper's powers worked and it was a nightmare. Although I got rid of the mind reading thing of Edward exactly as Carlisle thought. And that was a major relief. But Monday came and everything was horrible.

I could sense emotions of everyone around me and that shook my emotional balance. I really didn't do anything bad to go through the major grief the guy with the freckles was going through because he could not get an erection from like past three times (I got to know it later on and no thanks to Edward's powers). I absolutely didn't want to feel disgusted with everything because Miss overreacting girl of the school was in most of my classes. She was known to be the girl who find everything disgusting and give loud, unnecessary reaction to basically everything in life.

I really couldn't handle when I got to know how sort of lonely Charlie was feeling and I was being ignorant to it from a long time. I had a gist of it though before but never really paid attention. Now Jasper's so called gift couldn't make me concentrate on anything at home but Charlie. I talked to Rinne and she was happy with Phil. The next morning I only wished happiness for Charlie.

The next morning I also spent major time begging Edward Cullen to use his mind reading thing on me. As annoying as his gift was, in the end it was way better than Jaspers.

Thankfully he did but for the next few days I had to get along with the Cullens in hopes that we could find some ways to get rid of this gift without using other vampires annoying gifts. Since it was Edward's gift and he knew how to handle it so I had to especially get along with him. In the end Carlisle came up with the only way to get rid of these voices and that was nothing. We couldn't do anything. I could only suppress these voices to a very low volume and frequency and that was my new peace and silence.

The only thing good that came out of the whole fiasco was that I was now on good terms with the Cullens. The giant guy Emmet was quite friendly  and same goes for Alice. Edward had to keep up with my bullshit. He had no way so in the end he gave up and finally we were friends. Not that I wanted. But it was better to be friends because we had major tasks at hand and one of them was the project for which I so willingly teamed up with Edward. I almost forgot about the project in between all the vampire and gifts drama but thankfully Edward remembered it and we did complete it successfully. Guess befriending the annoying mind reader wasn't that bad.
Can't say the same about the Hales though. Jasper and I were still keeping our distance. I got to know he was a newbie at 'animal diet' as they call it. So let it at that.

Rosalie was OK ok. She thought I wanted to be a vampire or something at the start.

"What no way. I'm fine being a human. It's already difficult to live fifty years let alone eternity. No way I'm fine being a human." I told Rosalie during chemistry class on one fine chilly morning of Forks. "I am waiting to be a unicorn in my next life by the way." I added with a wink.

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