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Emmaliese POV

Having a family of my own was not given much priority in my wishlist. Family for me meant a loving husband, cute kids, though kids in turn meant trouble and personally I never considered myself fit enough to deal with raising kids, given all my anxiety and panic attacks. So I never thought of having a family.

What I dearly wished was a person, who would bring love, travelling on soft snowflakes, shining golden under the first rays of the morning sun. Someone whose breath would mingle with mine, remain intertwined till my last one leave me. Someone whose heart would beat for me, rhythm in sync with my own.

The wish was partly fulfilled in form of a devilishly handsome face with sleek white gold hairs, his touch cold, his voice musical. A satire on my romantic fantasies in the form of lacking breathing necessities and a heart stoned from ages.

With an unfulfilled wishlist increasing day by day, I tried finding happiness in smiling faces of my loved ones. If any of their wish came true, however stupid that was, I considered it as if my own was granted.

So when Bella announced her marriage to be just around the corner, I was ecstatic. At least one of the Swan sister was getting married.

As much as I was still holding grudges against Edward for leaving Bella, I couldn't bring myself to deny the fact that at the end of the day he was what she wanted, even though she was having secondary feeling for Jacob, Edward was always her first choice.

Since a gifted vampire was marrying a human with even more intriguing gift, I presumed the matter would be of great interest for the vampire royalties. So when the invitation was sent to Italy, unknowingly a desire to see him once again was bubbling in me, setting all my insides in a fit of an excited frenzy.

All in vain though.

Like every other night from the past few months, I tucked my body in the blanket to block the cold. The comfort of sleep came from other source, from a voice so melodious, like a lullaby sending me straight into heavens of oblivion. Like every other night I called him.

"Caius." my voice no more than a whisper, weighed down with an intense craving to see him in flesh, to lose myself in those hauntingly beautiful carnelian orbs, to find warmth in the cage of cold limbs.

Or so I hope.

"Mio amore." his voice held the lusciousness of the velvet, enveloping me in its embrace, like a lavish attire, handmade, especially for the queen.

Though the title was never mine to have.

"Will you come?" I asked, with hope laced in my voice, waiting for an affirmation.

"For?" either he didn't know or he was purposely downplaying it, I would never know.

"My sister's wedding," my voice was faltering with each syllable for I knew what his answer would be. "With Edward."

He gave out a dark chuckle at my words. "Instead of changing your sister, the Cullens are trying to play games with us, going against our orders. They are mocking the Volturi, unaware of the repercussions." the acrimonious tone was very evident in his words laced with venom. "Trust me darling, you don't want me there."

My lips twisted into a ghost of a smile. A lot of things I wanted to say but none came out except a faint goodnight.

As the moon outside hid behind thick clouds, with first drop of the rain, reverberating in silent echo throughout my small room, a queue of tears dampened the cotton pillowcase underneath me.

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