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Writing this chapter with an intention of some light fluff and to accelerate the story further. Let's see where it goes.

Warning: unedited version

Navigating through the dimly lit corridors of the Volturi Castle was not my cup of tea. The lingering thought of facing a deadly encounter at any turn, with a blood Sucking occupants of the lavish palace, was enough to keep my nerves at edge.

With my mate beside me, it was a different experience. Anxiety replaced by little bit of confidence, provided enough relief to carry on with my chit chatting.

"Umm.. You do know that I haven't memorised the way to my room yet, right?" I asked Caius as we walked together, with my arm looped around his. I was just aimlessly walking without knowing which turn to take or which path to follow that will lead me to the probable safety of my room.

"Don't worry. I will take you to your room." he answered, keeping his face straight.

"I don't worry when I'm with you." my eyes rested on him momentarily, as he side glanced at me.

His lips morphed into a small smile, almost equivalent to a smirk, making me roll my eyes. I swear cocky was his middle name.

"Better remember the way now." with any other being he would use his authoritative tone, with me however its not all that commanding, yet it still strike like an order coming from a higher attorney.

But his twisted denial of me and the strange bond we were sharing, left no choice but for me to rebel.

If he was going to treat me like a game, I was ready to show him how to play.

"Nope. We are already quite far from the starting point. I don't find any point in memorizing only half the way."

"We still have a long way to go, sweetheart." my heart almost skipped a beat at the sudden endearment, he designated me with.

Although he call me sweet names all the times, yet this one strike a cord somewhere deep, making me rub my palm on his stoned bicep over the silky fabric of the suit tailored to perfection, followed by resting my head there, almost leaning on him.

"I am enjoying walking like this with you." It felt too natural to be this affectionate with him. A sense of belonging filling my entire being.

The silence that followed it was comfortable. The journey was seemingly beautiful. My eyes taking in the portraits, more like paintings, from some distant era, complementing the dull walls of the corridors, reaching upto the ceiling way up my head.

Amidst of this, a particular painting caught my attention, making me halt in my tracks.

"What's wrong?" Caius asked me, as I moved towards the said painting, freeing my arm from around his.

"This painting," it was encased in the glass frame, with intricate golden boundaries. Almost all the painting adorning the corridor were protected behind the same huge frames. "It's the same one I saw in the Cullen's household."

"There is just two of them. One is here, the other was taken by Carlisle as a souvenir." Caius stood tall beside me, examining the painting. Perhaps it reminded him of the time it was frozen in.

"I saw you for the very first time through this painting," a flashback from the time I laid eyes on the handsome King, carved by paint brushes, popped out of my treasured memories. "Hate to boost your ego, but you are looking... magnificent. This attire suits you a lot."

I looked at him only to find him looking at me, intently, his crimsons locked with my purples. "You are beautiful." I breathed out.

To be honest, he was ethereal. His defined features, deep set eyes, pointed nose, chiseled jawline, from the golden mane on his head to his slim fit physique accompanied by his dark persona, everything was enchanting. It was alluring, every time tempting me to commit sins I only imagined doing in my wildest fantasies, all surrounding the god like King in front of me.

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