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This chapter is dedicated to


Thank you for your precious comments that always make my day and motivated me to finally complete this chapter.


Emmaliese POV

Everything comes at a price. Be it materialistic items, dreams, feelings or supernatural fantasies.

Keeping up with vampires and werewolves is one thing but standing against one of them is a whole new level of adventure, a risk associated, life threatening adventure, from where a normal human can come either bruised or dead.

And on one fateful night I found myself in the same situation.

Standing in front of the Cullens mansion with five other vampires, ready to combat against the eight feet tall, black, grey, brown cannibalistic dogs, I had option to either stay or leave.

Three things were very clear,

My sister was almost dead and her husband was trying to revive her.

The baby for which my sister gave her life, was in danger.

My life was not in my hands to protect, but I was determined to protect the ones I love.

So I chose to stay.

I still had Jane's powers with me. None of the Cullens ever used their powers on me after our little trip to Italy, they were sure Jane's power would keep me safe in the long run. And I was glad because without it I had no chance fighting these ferocious, furry four legged creatures.

Talking them out of it was not an option, because as soon as they found, golden eyed bloodsuckers pricking their line of vision, it all turned chaotic.

Werewolves and vampires attacked each other, with unmatched strength, speed, one with a motive to destroy, the other with a motive to defend.

Carlisle told me to stay away from the fight as long as none of the wolves attack me. Something about it erked me that perhaps Carlisle's troubled expression over my involvement with werewolves had a lot to do with my mate than to my newborn niece.

Without any words, I followed Carlisle's order and watched the fight from afar. A black wolf lunged at Edward, other ones on Jasper, Alice and the rest of the Cullen family. 

Seth and Leah joined forces with us but it was of no help. We were clearly out numbered, it was a lost case.

Until Jacob Black jumped in the front line of defence. 

"Its over." his face held sincerity, an unspoken necessity to protect.

The black wolf, obviously being the animal he was, brushed off Jacob, throwing him away, the act that compelled Jacob to transform midway into his huge rustic brown wolf, coming face to face, well to be accurate, coming snout to snout with the black wolf. Jacob's wolf had that aura of superiority around him in some way to which other wolves lowered their head a bit.

"Jacob imprinted." Edward spoke, breaking the tensed atmosphere, his lips still covered in my sister's blood.
"Once a wolf imprints, the others cannot harm," the crazy mind reader he was, of course he heard the secret conversation between the two four legged, relatives of a german shepherd. "It is their absolute law."

Wait. What the hell is imprint? What in the world Jacob did? Is it about my niece? Is she safe?

Questions raced through my mind a mile an hour.

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