Script 44: Death Illusion

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Just as Hazama entered the gas station, Will noticed that he didn't even attempt to put up some form of defensive measure. He already went ahead and targeted Hazama, slicing him into three pieces with his swords.

"Wait, Mr. Ramuri!" yelled Ikarus, holding the Golden Daedalus in his hands.

But it was already too late. No matter how quick Will was, there was already an open gash behind his wound. This was the power of Death Illusion.

"Ikarus," said Val, as Persona rushed over to tend to Will's wounds, "You've fought this guy before?"

"Hazama Kodachi has the Death Illusion Key," explained Ikarus, "It's useless to try and kill him unless you find out where his true body is. He sets up a Death Illusion by creating a fake body. If that fake body dies, his attacks grow stronger and stronger, attacking the enemy in complete invisibility."

"I'd say it's pretty similar to my timeline shifting," commented Juzira as he lazed around the cashier corner, paying no attention to the danger that was happening at the moment, "It just works around the concept of death."


Val was immediately slashed down by a knife slice. Hazama was attacking so quickly that it didn't seem like Persona could reach to each member at a time to heal their wounds. They needed to limit their reliance on healing and attack Hazama.

"To think you'd turn on us, Tonijo," said Hazama, "Lord Jukkon would be disappointed, I guess."

"Jukkon who?" asked Juzira before getting his stomach ripped open by Hazama's knife.


"That would've been a messy timeline," said Juzira, unscathed and standing next to Val, "Chorudo, get over here and heal Val's wounds. Kirima, hang on tight. We can't beat this guy through normal means of firepower."

"I.. can't kill Kodachi.." mumbled Chika, cowering on the ground.

"Ikarus, you've defeated this guy before," ordered Persona, "Use whatever you did to find him!"

Ikarus turned on his Golden Daedalus, and just as he thought, he was able to see through Hazama's Death Illusion and find out where Hazama was invisible! He readied up his Golden Daedalus and thrust it toward Hazama, hitting him just as Hazama tried to stab Ikarus. Due to the armored effect of the Golden Daedalus however, Ikarus was unscathed.


"A Death Illusion within a Death Illusion?" coughed up Ikarus as the knife went through his shoulder.

"I guess you didn't think I wouldn't have improved since our last battle, Diablo?" yelled Hazama as he kicked Ikarus away.

Ikarus was unable to see Hazama's second Death Illusion, even with the Golden Daedalus. It was usually his wings, a heavenly artifact, that would fuel the Golden Daedalus' omnipotence. However, since Jukkon had stolen them, he was at a disadvantage. He needed extra firepower. He turned to Chika.

"Chika!" yelled Ikarus, throwing the Golden Daedalus towards her, "Your Diamond Zone can enhance the Golden Daedalus' omnipotence! It can wash away all of Hazama's Death Illusions! You need to use it in order to plan an attack!"

As Chika clutched on to the Golden Daedalus, she couldn't help but think:

"" she thought, "Why does it have to be me? Why do I have to be the one to kill Kodachi? Can't it be someone else?"

These thoughts lingered in her mind. However, she couldn't just ponder forever. The rest of the group except for Juzira was struggling to even know where the enemy came from. The Death Illusion was strong enough to even put them in danger. The knife that Hazama used wasn't supernatural either, and would end up harming Chika too.

"Chika.." said a familiar voice.

"R-Ryder?" thought Chika, looking around desperately, trying to find out where the voice came from, "Where are you?"

That's when she noticed that Collection was staring at her. This was her only memento of Ryder from the Extermination Point, the Rad-A that she inherited from him.

"You'll have to let me go.." said Ryder's voice, "I sacrificed my life for you to live, damn it! Not for you to stay here and waste it on a single enemy who happens to share the same last name as I! This is the life that you'll have to follow! You have to live!

Let go!"

Chika bawled out, crying and clutching the Golden Daedalus in her arms, all of the regret and emotions pouring out of her. Everyone, even Hazama was shocked at what was happening. However, Hazama had other plans. This emotional vulnerability would be Chika's undoing. It was time to end this girl, which would be a hindrance to Lord Jukkon's plans.

Was it a miracle? Was it Collection? Was it Majestika, connecting Ryder Kodachi from the Heavens to Chika's thoughts? Whatever it was, it was a sign of hope.

Hazama drew nearer and nearer, hidden by his Death Illusion, aiming for Chika's neck until finally...


Blood splattered all over the floor, Hazama surprised by a golden figure plunging a sword into his chest in the air. Chika has found out Hazama's location using the Golden Daedalus!

"Ryder Kodachi is dead!" yelled Chika in pain, yelling from the bottom of her heart, "Having people like you alive is just a disgrace to his name!

This is where ends meet and I have to live with it! I want to live!"

Collection Berserker Gear threw Hazama in the air with its rapier and slashed him to bits and pieces, no longer hidden from this Death Illusion.

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