Chapter 15: Fate of Realities

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"I really have come a long way from a little Angel drifting off in the sea, stranded and nowhere to go," said Ikarus, gripping his weapons and analyzing the situation, "So if anything, I want to make it out of this alive, and so do my friends!"

"Foolish angel," smiled Jujo, waving his hands around, "You're flying too close to the sun at this rate. Do you really expect to walk out of this alive when you all are a great disturbance to my plans? I figured that Jukkon would at least kill one of you off, but it seems that he's failed."


This was Jujo's time to act. As his current timeline began continuing making a speech, his shifting self began to seek out Ikarus. This was the counterattack of his Timeline Shifting. As he reached Ikarus' location, he grabbed his last weapon, the knife that he had when he was brought to this place, and slashed it across Ikarus' throat.

He expected the automatic shields to pop up for him to break, but they didn't seem to pop off in his Shifting Timeline.


Even though Jujo had access to shifting the timeline, the results that came after did not go to plan.

It was true that Ikarus' throat was slashed off by Jujo's knife. However, the figment of Ikarus had fizzled out. It was as if Ikarus wasn't even there. A mirage. Jujo looked over from where he once stood, to find the arrow transform into Ikarus. This was the Mirage Arrow, a transportation technique which could let him escape his enemies.

"So that's how your ability, or rather, your gift, works," said Ikarus, noting it down.

Ikarus was analytical. Unlike the rest of his peers, he wanted to find out how exactly was Jujo evading the attacks and how he could counterattack. It was at this moment that Ikarus knew that Jujo had the ability to shift timelines for a set time period he wanted.

"Well then," said Ikarus, shooting six arrows in the ground, "Come at me."

"This is no longer a physical fight like the others," thought Jujo, "It's a mental battle! Are these arrows Mirage arrows? Or is he bluffing? What kind of test will he do if I use timeline shifting again?"

Jujo decided to use Timeline Shifting Chronostasis, the most cautionary method. As he did it, he noticed that Ikarus was planning to pull out his bow and shoot at Jujo, forcing him to make a move. Jujo walked over and slashed at Ikarus.

Just as he thought, it was a mirage, meaning that one of the arrows that Ikarus had shot were the true Ikarus. Jujo crushed all five arrows, breaking each and every arrow. Chronostasis had ended.

And yet, Ikarus stood from where he was before.

"So that one's how it works as well," analyzed Ikarus, nodding his head up and down.

"You think you've gotten me all figured out now, haven't you?" asked Jujo, glaring intensely at the angel.

"It's not that I've gotten you figured out," replied Ikarus, "It's that you haven't gotten me figured out."

Ikarus was right. Although Jujo knew Ikarus' past abilities, he didn't actually know about Ikarus' new mode, the abilities he's obtained from Azarthoth's Orb. All he knew was that this was a battle between space and time.


"Before he shoots another mirage arrow!" thought Jujo as he ran towards Ikarus, "I must kill him!"

Suddenly, from below Jujo's chin, a small envelope began to open up in the middle of the air. Out came: a fist.

Jujo clenched his jaws, but the strength of the punch managed to send him launching to the ground. His own shifted timeline was punched through!

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