Story Time

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Nikolai looked up at Castle and Kate who were staring at him intently. "Okay, this all began about 40 years ago. Your father was about 25 at the time. He had just begun working for the Feds. He worked with foreign affairs, even though the Feds work domestic issues. Which was why his job was so dangerous; if he were to get caught by a foreign agency snooping where the CIA didn't have jurisdiction, he could get killed.
He was great at what he did. He rose through the ranks quickly; within a matter of years he was working the most classified cases. Your father was deployed to the Russian satellite countries because the U.S. was in the midst of the Communist Red Scare. The CIA needed to get as much information as possible on any future attacks. He gave enough intel to avoid 3 major attacks from the soviets because of this, he was soon stationed in Moscow. See now,I had been working with a private rebel corporation in Siberia at the time. I tracked him down, with the help of my CIA, friends to get his help on a new mission that my associates and I were planning that could've taken down the Tsar."
"Could've? So it didn't work?" Castle interjected when Nikolai paused to drink from the water bottle one of his henchmen had brought him.
Nikolai sighed, "Mr. Castle, please, do not interrupt me. Now as I was saying my corporation needed to get in contact with your father so he could help us. I found him in Moscow and we flew to my corporation's headquarters. He came willingly only because the CIA helped us find him. He was too distracted with his original mission, which was far more risky than the plan we proposed. He was supposed meet with the tsar at the government headquarters in Moscow as a newspaper reporter from Germany. The German Black Market was one of the top suppliers of Russian weaponry so you father was supposed to ask about the german black market and the weapons being dealt with. The only problem was your father wasn't a strong German or Russian speaker so any small mistake could be disastrous. The plan we proposed was he go meet with the tsar's diplomat for foreign affairs as a communist arms dealer from America who wanted to help with the next attack on the American Homefront. By meeting with the diplomat there is less security around incase something goes awry and since the diplomat is the middleman between the tsar and the military he was given all of the details for the direct orders to the military. It was less risky and I could keep an eye on him incase he managed to blow his cover.
"He stayed with me for several weeks while we worked out the logistics of the plan. We became very close. He was like my brother.
"After several months of planning and after he finally agreed to meet with the ambassador we ran the mission. Everything was going smoothly until he took off his sunglasses after walking into the house from his tour of the mansion. The glasses got caught on his ear piece and popped it out of his ear. The security guards forced him out of the house, but no one got hurt. The CIA found out he had gone rogue and about the incident and they pulled him from Europe. We stayed in touch; he would call every now and again but it was very infrequent. So when he called me more regularly these past two months I knew something was going to happen. He was talking about being followed by Russian spies and had been contacted by the CIA about his missions to Moscow and the satellite countries. I guess the Russians found out that he was CIA and not a Siberian rebel. The Russians still don't like the Americans so it makes sense they would go after him even after all of these years."
"Okay so I guess the mission didn't go well but why kill him now? There's got to be more to the story. I mean why wait over 4 decades to get revenge. Was there anything said at his meeting that would be relevant to American Intelligence now?" Kate inquired.
"Not that I know of. There was one point where the earpiece was out of range, but other than that it was mostly small talk. Mr. Castle did he say anything to you about- wait the ambassador did mention some sort new war technology more dangerous than the atomic bomb that you Americans created. Yes... He said that the Russian scientists had just started research on this thing. The ambassador said that it might be half a century before it works because it is so complex. Well it's been almost half a century so your father, Mr. Castle, may have told the CIA about this weapon and the weapon may actually be almost finished. I bet the Russians killed your father because he disclosed the information about the weapon. Do you think the Russians killed my dear friend because America figured out the weapon before the Russians finished it?" Nikolai got up and walked around. He rubbed his hands over his face and through his hair just as Castle did at Kate's apartment. As Nikolai paces around the vast room, Kate looked at Castle; he looked so confused and scared.
"Kate, if it was the Russians who killed my father, I'm screwed... They're so dangerous and if they have a target in your back you might as well be dead." Castle turned to Kate with a forlorn look. Kate looked up at him and took his hand in hers.
"We'll find these bastards before they find us. I promise we will get you out of this." Kate leaned up and kissed his cheek. But stayed hovering right over his ear. "Do you still have the letter?" She whispered into his ear softly so Nikolai and his henchmen couldn't hear. Castle felt his breast pocket and turned to kiss Kate's cheek, "yeah it's still here. I want to know what it says but I don't want to show Nikolai."
Kate moved her chair closer to Castle's and cuddled up next to him so they could talk without drawing suspicion. "Me too. I wish there was some way we could be alone long enough to read it."
Nikolai shouted form across the room, "let's go! We need to get out of here now. The Russians are coming. Mr. Castle and your girlfriend go with Vladimir I'll go with Kristof. Follow us closely.
Kate looked up at Castle and smiled, "I guess wishes do really come true."
Thank you for reading. See y'all Friday 😘❤️

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