Ryan (and Espo) to the Rescue

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Much like the other morning, Kate and Castle woke up to the sound of sirens. Only this time, they were police sirens. Kate looked back to see two blue and whites and Ryan and Espo's Crown Vic in pursuit. Kate tapped Castle's shoulder and motioned her head toward the back window. "Look. It's Ryan and Espo," she whispered into his ear. They both turned around. Kate noticed the blue and whites were quickly gaining on the large SUV. One of the Crown Vics was accelerating at a high pace and started pulling out to the side.
"Castle, put your seatbelt on, now."
Castle knew Kate well enough that she meant business and was trained. He followed her around long enough to do what he's told without asking questions.
"Relax. Impact hurts less when your muscles are loose. We learned how to these work in training." Kate looked over her shoulder; the blue and white was in position to execute a pit maneuver. "All you have to do is breathe. Deep breaths. In... Out..." Castle closed his eyes and slowly inhaled and exhaled in time with Kate.
The cop in the blue and white sharply turned his wheel and hit he left rear bumper of the SUV causing it to spin out of control. The guard driving the SUV tried to correct the vehicle's path, but overcompensated and made the SUV spin out and crash into the guard rail on the other side of the road. Castle opened his eyes. His head was rushing and he struggled to focus on any one thing until his eyes rested on Kate. Her head was against the window. Her eyes were closed.
"Kate... Kate..." He waited for a response, a groan, movement, anything. He unbuckled himself and her as well. He carefully reached around to lift her head. He supported her head as he lifted her from her slouched position and leaned her against his side. Once he saw the other side of her body he knew they needed to get out of the car quickly. Kate had a gash on her scalp, just after her hairline. There was a stream of blood running down her face.
"No. Kate. No, please. Not like this," Castle whispered into the air. "Stay with me Kate. Please. I love you."
Castle felt the body stir beneath his steady arm.
"Castle?" Kate said in a weak voice. "Are you okay?"
"Oh Kate." Castle squeezes her into a hug. "I'm not at all worried about me. I'm more worried about you. You have. Gash on your scalp that really needs to get looked at. Castle takes off his shirt and puts in on the cut. Here put some pressure on it to help the bleeding subside."
"Thanks Castle" Kate said with a smile. She put her hand on top of Castle's and held his hand shirt in place.
"Always Kate," Castle smiled.
The back seat doors were pulled open and guns were swinging around in the car and hands flew in the air.
Espo and Ryan peaked their heads around the car.
"Get an EMT right now! Beckett's bleeding!" Esposito yelled from the driver's side door.
"Espo I'm fine. It's just a little cut," Kate murmured in an attempt to down play the situation, but Castle was a over her shaking his head. Espo, Ryan and two blue and whites began handcuffing the four foreign passengers. Ryan and Espo gave their two convicts to some other blue and whites to help Kate out of the car. Castle followed Kate out of the car and to the ambulance that just pulled up to the scene.
"What happened, Castle?" Ryan asked while Kate was getting her head looked at by the paramedics.
"When I was in Chicago and I got a call from my dad and he was shot and killed while on the phone with me. So I came home early from my tour and asked Beckett to help me to find his killer. I never expected anything bad to happen," Castle tried to explain. He started to ramble and words were coming out of his mouth a mile a minute, "But then we found out the Russians were involved. And they were planning a terrorist attack. Then we got kidnapped. Then Beckett got hurt and now we're here. I didn't think anyone would get hurt. I'm so sorry." Castle was out of breath and on the verge of crying. He stepped up into the ambulance. "I'm so sorry, Kate. I'm so sorry." Castle pushed the stray hairs out of her face as he sat down next to her.
Kate smiled up at him, "I know. It's okay. We caught your dad's killer that's all that matters. And not that we have Peter in custody, he can't finish the bomb to attack New York." Kate smiled lovingly up at Castle.
Castle kissed Kate's cheek, "One day we will catch your mom's killer I promise."

Thank you so much for reading this! I hope you liked reading it as much as I loved writing it! 😘

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