Unwelcome Guests

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Castle was heading to grab his bag when someone started banging the door and was shouting in a language foreign to Castle's ears. He quickly grabbed his bag and scurried away from the door.
"Kate, what is he saying? Does it mean anything?"
"Yeah. I means we gotta go, now." Kate grabbed Castle's hand and bag and ushered him into her bedroom, where the fire escape was located. Castle stopped abruptly in the doorway.
"Castle what are you doing? We don't have time for you to fantasize about being in my bedroom. I'm going to grab some clothes and my backup gun. While I'm doing this can you open the window to the fire escape I'll only be a second."
Kate threw a pair of clothes in a bag and grabbed her guns. She locked her bedroom door to stall the brute who was going to break through her front door any second. She and Castle started climbing down the fire escape when she heard a gun shot and her front door getting kicked in.
"Castle, we're going to have to speed up the pace."
Castle was grimacing with each step but quickened his pace. He jumped off the fire escape and gripped Kate's waist and brought her safely to the ground. "Soooo... Um... I don't have the Ferrari since I just came from the airport. I just have Mother's car. I hope that's okay for our getaway."
"It's perfect as long as I'm driving" Kate teased as they paced toward their getaway car. There was another gunshot, the perp was now in Kate's bedroom.
"C'mon the cars right around the corner" Rick grabbed Kate's wrist almost dragging her behind him as he sprinted away from the apartment. As they rounded the corner a man in dark clothes and sunglasses stepped out from the shadows.
"Where do you think you're going?" the mystery man asked sternly.
"Um... Uh... We..." Castle hesitated. It was evident he knew who the man was. Kate noticed Castle struggling.
"Baby, who's he? We're going to be late for our plane. This is the first time you're meeting my parents, you don't want to make a bad impression" Kate stepped closer to Castle trying to convince the man she and Castle were a couple. To make it more convincing she reached her arm around Castle waist and clung to him as any girl would a handsome man.
"I'm sorry sweetie, your little trip is going to have to wait. I have some unfinished business with this man."
Kate lunged at the man grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back and shoved him against the wall.
"Listen to me, you're going to let us go because my parents are very influential people and they don't like being stood up, which is what would happen if we were to miss the plane. Okay? Your little business with my boyfriend is over. Now if you think it isn't, well, there's another thing coming for you."
"Fine, fine. But you and your little boyfriend are going to regret this," the man said to Kate in a low, threatening voice. Kate released the mystery man's arm and shoved him away from her and Castle.
As the mystery man walked away, Kate looked back down the alley where the fire escape had dropped them. She saw - who she assumed to be the man who shot is way into the apartment- climbing down the fire escape. He stumbled a little but made up for the lost time by skipping the last ladder of the escape and jumped to the ground.
"Castle, run!" was the only thing she could say. The man started sprinting but luckily for Kate and Castle, he injured his leg when he jumped from the escape. The charging man yelled out in pain with each step. Castle turned around when he heard a snap; it was the man's leg. He many cried in agony as Kate and Castle continued running down the pavement. They pair jumped into the car and Kate pulled out of the garage and sped down the road.
"Castle, who was that guy? And don't tell me you don't know; I'm a interrogator, I know all the tells. And what the hell did you get yourself into?"
So I've decided I'm going to try to update once a week. I hope you like it 😘

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