The Letter

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Kate and Castle jumped into the back of a black SUV, just like the one they were hit with on the Brooklyn Bridge. There was a divider that separated the back seats from the front ones. Kate and Castle decided it would be a good time to open the letter Castle had gotten from his dad, since they didn't know when they would get another private opportunity like this one. Castle reached into his breast pocket and pulled out the small piece of paper. "You ready," he asked Kate.
"Yeah," Kate bit her lip nervously and smiled at Castle.
Castle gently pulled off the tape that was holding the letter closed and began skimming the letter. "This doesn't make sense. The guy who gave it to me said 'you're next' I don't understand."
"Hey, um, Castle, wanna read it out loud?" Kate asked.
"Oh yeah that'd be a good idea, huh?" Castle took a deep breath.
"Dear Rick,
I know I left you and your mother and we've never really had a relationship, but I've been keeping a close eye on you. I wish I could've had a bigger part in your life but my job doesn't allow for frequent contact, actually any contact at all. But I'm writing this letter so hopefully you can have some closure about the things I've put you and your mother through. I don't know how much time I have even to write this letter, but if you're reading this I'm most likely dead and have been for quite some time. As you've probably figured out, I work for the CIA, but what you may not know is that I went rogue on a mission in Russia and learned extremely sensitive material. I was found and pulled from field duty after a small incident in Moscow. Once I was pulled and back on US soil, I reported my findings to my higher ups in the CIA. As soon as I shared the information with my boss, I put myself as well as you and your family in jeopardy. The Russians are dangerous people and they're after me.
"I recently discovered that the plan the Russians had, regarding the sensitive information, is going to be put into action in the upcoming years. This is a warning. The Russians want to attack highly populated areas such as New York City and Los Angeles. If you're wondering what sort of attack the Russians are planning, the Russians are building and testing a Weapon of Mass Destruction. This WMD is supposed to be more dangerous than the atomic bombs that we dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I'm not sure what the specifics of the WMD are but its some sort of bioterrorism threat mixed with devastating explosives that can be deployed from drones. The Russians are after me for disclosing this information to the CIA. I need your help stopping them. I've done all I can now it's your turn to try and save those you love. I don't have too much more information to give you, without securing your death, other than: watch your back. As soon as you mess up you'll be dead.
"Be careful Rick. This WMD was once only an idea; now it is becoming a reality. The Russians are working with a chemist named Peter Kruschev. He is responsible for many of the Russians new chemical advancements and I have no doubt he is capable of creating a WMD. You need to connect with my old friends at the CIA. You may also be contacted by one of my old accomplices Nikolai Rustić; he is a good man but can be dangerous if crossed. He worked with me on this case and may be able to give you more information than I.
"You cannot solve this on your own; it's far too dangerous. Do not get your mother or Alexis involved. Do not tell them anything or their death will be certain. So far everyone who has been closely involved with this, from the U.S. side, is dead and I don't want that for you. You're the only one I trust who can figure this out. Don't be as stupid as I was. Below are some instructions that can get you on the right track. I love you kiddo, always." Castle sighed in frustration. "Could he be any more vague? I get that he wants to keep me safe but if I don't know what I'm up against how can I stop it?"
Kate reached over to put her hand reassuringly on his knee. "Okay, breathe Castle. He gave us a lot more information than we had before. We have the name of the person who is making the WMD and we know that it will be deployed in the upcoming months as well as how it will be deployed. And I guess your dad wasn't rogue after, he just went AWOL. He came back to the CIA to share his knowledge of the terrorist attack."
"See but that's what I don't get. Why are the Russians going to attack the US? The Cold War is over. What's their motive for killing my father if they weren't going to deploy it? Unless..."
"The Russians weren't going to attack us with us but another powerful country"
"Yes, they want to build an empire and become more powerful that us."
"So... Once your father told the CIA it ruined Russia's chance of amassing another empire like they did after WWII."
"Okay, so why did my father think the Russians are going to attack the US?"
"That's what we need to find out. Don't worry, Castle, we'll catch the son of a bitch who killed your father. He said he left you instructions? What do they say?" Kate asked.
"Um... Let me see," Castle scanned the page to find where he had left off, "Instructions:
1) Talk to CIA about any new information. Mention my name and ask for Calvin McWatt.
2) Go to my apartment in Tribeca. In the back of my sock drawer there is a sock without a match. I call it my 'odd sock' there will be a USB Memory stick. The stick contains all of the information I gathered from my investigations. This should help you narrow down what you're working with.
3) Contact Peter Kruschev. Once again mention my name but not your relation to me. He hates me. Tell him you're interested in helping plan my demise using some sort of WMD
4) Try to start a joint investigation with Agent McWatt. I guarantee you will have information that he needs and vice versa.
5) With the CIA's help, narrow down a time frame and location for the attack
6) Have your family leave the area if the target is NYC.
7) Focus on stopping the attack
Some advice: don't do anything stupid, don't travel to Russia let them come to you on your home turf, don't piss off the Russians, and most importantly, don't die."
Kate chuckled a little at some of the advice Castle received but covered her mouth quickly. "Sorry, Castle, just some of those pieces if advice are kinda obvious like 'don't piss off the Russians.' That one is kinda funny. But seriously, though that's a good start! We should talk to Nikolai about the WMD especially since your dad said he would be helpful."
"Yeah, and once I get my phone back I can call my contact in the CIA and see if we can get a meeting with Agent McWatt."
The car took a sharp turn and Kate flew on to Castle's lap. They both started laughing until they slammed into the panel divider separating them from the driver. They crawled back onto the seat and knocked on the divider to ask the driver what happened.
"Is everyone okay back there?" The driver called out as the divider slowly rolled down.
"Yeah," Castle and Kate answered simultaneously.
"What the hell happened? Is everything okay?" Castle asked curiously. The back seat windows were blacked out so nobody could see out or in.
"I'm fine but Nikolai called me and said we had someone tailing us and I had to follow him closely. We've been weaving through traffic for a while now, but he randomly made a quick turn, which I replicated. I had to slam on my brakes to not hit Nikolai's car. His car stopped in front of a large fence which is where we are now. His driver is getting out now to open the gate." The driver seemed just as confused as Castle and Kate.
All of a sudden there was a loud bang. And someone came pounding on the passengers side door. The driver unlocked the car and a frantic Nikolai Rustić jumped in the car screaming "Go! Go! Go! They're here!"
The driver threw the car in reverse and zoomed back onto the road.
A/N thank you so much for reading this! Y'all are the best 😘 Best wishes. See y'all next Friday

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