The abstinence dance part 2

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The Abstinence dance part 2
Les Claypool:
I'm goin' down to South Park, gonna have myself a time.
Kyle Broflovski and Stan Marsh:
Friendly faces everywhere, humble folks without temptation!
Les Claypool:
I'm goin' down to South Park, gonna leave my woes behind.
Eric Cartman:
Ample parking day or night, people spouting: "HOWDY, NEIGHBOR!"
Les Claypool:
I'm headin' on up to South Park, gonna see if I can't unwind.
Tweek Tweak & Lizzy: Our town is bigger dammit, right down to the little granite.
Les Claypool:
So come on down to South Park, and meet some friends of mine.
(St. Philips Elementary)
Craig waited outside the school entrance. All the other school couples were entering the school gym getting ready for the dance, Pip and Jenny, Bradley and Esther, Francis and Nelly, Kevin stoley and Red, Scott Malkinson and Sophie, Danial Tanner and Annie Knitts, Timmy and sally and all the other couples were enjoying themselves while Craig waited for Leslie.
Where the heck is she? Craig thought to himself.
"Hey, Craig."
Craig turned his head and saw Theresa and Isla joining him at the entrance.
"What are you two doing here? Craig asked.
"We are waiting for Jason and Damian to show up," Theresa said.
Craig looked Askance at the two.
"Since when do you two like them?" Craig asked.
Theresa blushed before answering.
"Iv always had a crush on Jason, I know this sounds cliche but I never had the guts to tell him that I liked him. When I heard that he had died in a hit and run, I was heartbroken over the boy I had loved but had never admitted my feelings to. Once I found out about his resurrection, I decided to take my second chance so I asked Jason to be my date to the dance." Theresa said.
"What about you, Isla?" Craig asked.
"I met Damian in a Youth Prayer group. We both talked about not having anyone to go to a dance with so we decided to go with each other." Isla said.
"You do know he was the adopted son of satan, right? "
"I know but that's not who Damien is anymore. He's a good Christian, Craig."
Craig rolled his eyes.
The three then noticed a gray Van Drive up and Jason, Damian, and Leslie all walked out.
Craig couldn't take his eyes off Leslie, she looked so beautiful in her Yellow dress. She walked up to him and smiled. She had the most beautiful Green eyes that Craig had ever seen.
"Sorry, we took so long, Deacon Morris got lost on the way here," Leslie said.
"I-its no problem."
Leslie smiled and took Craig by the hand.
"Shall we, Mr. Tucker?"
Craig blushed as he felt the soft skin of Leslie's hands.
"Y-ya. Let's go."
As they were walking in, Craig noticed that Leslie began to sweat profusely.
"Leslie, are you ok ?" Craig asked.
"Try the New iPhone DE, the most affordable iPhone on the market," Leslie said.
Leslie shook her head and looked at Craig with a nervous smile.
"Don't worry about it, let's go inside," Leslie replied.
Before Craig could say anything Leslie took him by the hand and ran into the gymnasium.
Jason and Theresa and Damian and Isla walked in after them hand in hand.
Richard Tweak's van was the next one to pull up to the entrance.
Tweek, Stan, Kyle, and Butters got out of the van alongside their girlfriends.
"So what time should I pick you kids up?" Richard asked.
"Probably around 9:00, I think that's when everyone else will begin to leave," Tweek said.
Richard nodded then drove away.
Millie noticed Tweek was smiling as he watched his father drive away.
"What's got you so happy?" Millie asked.
"My parents have been fighting a lot lately but when my dad came by my house earlier I overheard him and my mom talking about my dad moving back in. I hope everything goes well for them, Tonight."
Millie took Tweek by the hand and held it gently.
"Im sure it will."
Tweek nodded then joined his friends and girlfriend as they walked in.
Trent looked through his binoculars and saw the group of eight walks into the gymnasium.
"All right, they're heading in now, Christophe. Let's get started." Trent said.
"Oui mon ami," Christophe said as he jumped out of the van with several small tools in his hands.
Trent then began to cough severely. As soon as he took his hand away from his mouth, he saw a large bloodstain on his hand. He wiped the blood off and looked back at the gymnasium entrance. He had to get this done tonight. He doubted he had much time left on this earth thanks to the Venom that was coursing through his veins, tonight was his only chance to get revenge on stan, Kyle, Butters, and Cartman. He didn't have anything against the shaky blond kid but he was still their friend so he was guilty by association. His life has been nothing but heartache and pain up until this point and now he wouldn't have much life left. If he was going to die then he was going to take the people who ruined his life down with him.
(Inside the gymnasium)
Pip was slow dancing with Jenny.
"Oh, Pip, I hope this moment never ends," Jenny said as she rested her head against Pip's chest and listened to the mechanical beat of his bionic heart.
Pip smiled then kissed jenny's forehead.
"It will end sometime, Jenny. But for now, let's just enjoy our romantic endeavor." Pip replied.
"I love it when you say fancy sh*t like that," Jenny said.
Butters got himself and Lola each a cup of fruit Punch. As he was walking back to her someone bumped into him and made butters spill his drinks.
"Oh geez, im sorry." The girl who bumped into him said.
Butters got on his
his knees and began to pick the cups up.
"It's ok there's still some punch left in these," Butters said.
When Butters got up, he and the girl who had bumped into both noticed who they were.
It was Nelly who stood above him.
Nelly grabbed Butters by his shirt collar and looked him in the eyes.
"So it's not enough for you and your fellow misogynists to stick your Ding Dongs out in front of everyone, now you have to ruin my romantic evening?!"
Butters Narrowed his eyes when she said this.
"What romantic evening could you possibly have? You broke up with your boyfriend, Francis way before the wieners out movement started." Butters said.
To Butters surprise, Francis was right behind Nelly.
"Nelly and I got back together shortly after your fight," Francis said.
" Francis, why would you want to get back together with her, she broke up with you for nothing?"
"It wasn't for nothing, Butters. Besides, i have Always admired Nelly's strength and dedication."
Nelly blushed when her boyfriend said this.
"C'mon Babe, forget about him. Let's get back to dancing."
"You're lucky my boyfriend doesn't want me to fight you, Butters!" Nelly said before dropping Butters on the ground and walking away with Francis.
Lola ran up to Butters and helped him up.
"You ok, Boo?" Lola asked.
"Ya, im ok. I just had a run-in with Nelly, that's all."
"What did she want?"
Butters shrugged. The song then changed to something more upbeat.
"Oh, Butters, I love this song! C'mon, let's dance!"
Before Butters could say anything Lola grabbed him by the hand and pulled him onto the dance floor.
Stan and Wendy, were both dancing along with all the other couples.
Stan was dancing surprisingly well for a boy his age.
"Dang, Stan. I'm surprised, I never knew you were such a gifted dancer." Wendy said.
Stan looked around to make sure no one was listening.
"Wendy, im only gonna tell you this because I trust you but before I do you have to promise me that you're not going to tell anyone, Including Bebe or your sisters." stan said.
"Ok, I promise I won't tell anyone anything about your dance moves," Wendy said while trying to suppress a chuckle.
"The reason I dance so well is that my mom made me take ballet lessons when I was seven."
Wendy covered her mouth and tried her best not to laugh. As long as she had known stan marsh, he had seemed like the most macho boys boy she had ever met. It was just too much for her to hear without laughing at the thought of her boyfriend and probable future Husband dancing around in tights.
Stan noticed Wendy was beginning to laugh.
"Dammit, I knew I shouldn't have told you!"
"O relax, stan. I promise that I won't tell anyone. Now can you please get back to sweeping me off my feet with those dance moves of yours?"
Stan picked up Wendy in his arms and lifted her into the air. He spun her around twice before throwing her into the air then catching her.
Everyone around them clapped as stan gently placed Wendy on the ground.
"Is that what you wanted, Babe?"
"Yep". Wendy said while still feeling a little dizzy.
Kyle eats a brownie at the concession table. Before he grabbed another one he felt a pair of hands grab onto his shoulders.
"Kyle, c'mon. I wanna dance with everyone else."
"You go on, bebe. I don't feel like dancing.
"Oh c'mon, Kyle. I wanna dance with you. As my date, you are obligated to dance with me."
Before Kyle could answer Clyde walked up to Bebe and tapped her on the shoulder.
"Hey, Bebe, wanna dance?" Clyde asked.
Bebe looked back at Kyle for a moment then at her Ex, Clyde.
"I would love to, Clyde."
"Hey, wait! Bebe is my Girlfriend, Clyde. Go find your own!" Kyle said as he took Bebe by the hand and walked out onto the dance floor.
Jimmy walked up to Clyde.
"W-wow, Clyde. Kyle sure made you look like a punk loser. I gu-Guess that's what you get when you try and take away another guy's lady." Jimmy said.
"Shut up, Jimmy," Clyde replied.
"You shut up, Butt whip!" Jimmy replied.
"Jimmy, c'mon. I want to go back to dancing." jimmy's Date, Allie Nelson said.
"Coming, Babe."
Before getting back to his date, Jimmy brought one of his crutches down hard on Clyde's foot!
Clyde tried his best to suppress his tears but could not.
"You ok, Clyde?"
Clyde turned his head and saw Heidi Turner holding out a tissue for him.
"Ya, im ok. Jimmy stepped on my foot with one of his crutches..but I'll be ok. Where is your date?"
Heidi shrugged.
"I couldn't find anyone to go with me so I decided to go by myself," Heidi said.
"That you wanna dance?"
Heidi nodded.
Clyde took her by the hands and the two began to dance.
As everyone was enjoying themselves, the lights went out and all doors leading out of the gymnasium were forcibly closed and locked.
Two spotlights came on and shined on Trent Boyett.
Trent smiled as he saw how horrified everyone below him looked. It was good to be back in South Park.
To be continued
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