Chapter 11

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Jennie stared out of the big glass window motionlessly, her eyes focused sorely on the slow movement of the gray blanket of clouds and the shifting of the naked tree branches in distance from the calm breeze blowing outside

Her mind was preoccupied with something unknown for the people surrounding her days, something she still didn't dare to share with anyone yet. The brunette wasn't able to concentrate properly on anything other than her own little world twirling around inside her head like a storm. And that world had its own beautiful face and melodic name - Lisa.

Her mind couldn't stop wandering around the feeling of her heart beating with so much desire that she thought it would burst out of her chest the very moment their mouths brushed against each other, and the feeling that grew stronger somewhere in the pit of her stomach would totally drive her crazy. It kept wandering around the thought of having the girl's sharp jawline in the palm of her own little hand while she devoured her soft plump lips in the midst of the mind blowing kiss they shared. She couldn't shake away the feeling of Lisa's hand on her nape and the other around her waist, pulling her as closer as possible in a desperate search for the closure she had been deprived from for so long.

That one intimate moment they shared easily made her finally realize just for how long she had actually been waiting for that to happen. The hidden desire, that kept on growing more and more every time Jennie would lay her eyes on Lisa, finally overgrew within her small body until she wasn't able to hold it in anymore and it took over her, making her do things she may or may not regret later.

But the truth was, the moment she tasted the girl's luscious lips, she felt a type of happiness she had never experienced before in her still short life. It was overwhelming and exciting and so perfect that it filled Jennie with such strong emotions that she couldn't stop herself from uttering the three words she was the most scared of accepting.

'I love you'

The utter shock and fear written all over Lisa's small face the moment her mind finally processed those simple yet scary words appeared in front of Jennie. But she didn't mind that at first. The small smile on the brunette's lips at that moment showed the wash of relief which went through her when she finally revealed her biggest secret. The brunette knew that Lisa felt something for her, no matter what was going to happen after that night, and she expected that moment to be the one where the whole truth would finally reveal completely and, hopefully, it would go in a way they both would be satisfied with. Sadly for Jennie, tho, her hopes turned out being a little too optimistic because Lisa's words after that nearly broke her.

"I watched the weather forecast this morning. We should expect heavy rains for the next few days and the temperatures to-" Jisoo paused mid sentence when she glanced at Jennie and noticed her distracted and wandering gaze.

"I bought a dinosaur yesterday and we are getting married next week" she plainly said and watched as Jennie twirled with the cup of hot coffee in her hands while they sat at a nearby café after school hours for the first time in a while, and the little nods of agreement she was doing showed Jisoo that her attention was on everything else but her.

"Jennie!" she raised her voice and grabbed the brunette's arm, shaking it softly. Jennie finally lifted her eyes and looked back at Jisoo's worried ones.

"What?" she asked.

"What do you mean 'what'? You are totally ignoring me while I'm talking, again. I'm getting sick of that already" she irritatedly said, but the apologetic and sad look Jennie striked at her almost melted her insides. "Okay, what happened now?"

Jennie avoided her eyes for a while and took a small sip from her coffee mug, prolonging the silence as much as she could. Her heart hammered against her chest. She knew she had to talk to Jisoo sooner or later and finally tell her the whole truth. She needed someone to share with, someone to ask for advice, someone to tell her how stupid she was to fall in love with a stranger. And that someone was her best friend.

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