Chapter 10

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It was a few days after the big realization and Jennie was again headed towards her newfound favorite place in the world. Glancing down towards the passenger seat, where a white plastic lunch box filled with warm freshly baked cookies stood tucked securely under the car seat belt, she took a deap breath and inhaled the smell of cinnamon and melted chocolate chips which filled the air in the small space of the car and permeated in her clothes.

She had been craving her mom's special cookies for the past few days and decided to annoy the old woman until she gave up and started mixing the ingredients. While she was working her magic, Jennie quietly dug out the plastic box from the kitchen cabinets and secretly filled it with the tasty sweets once they were out of the oven before dashing out to bring some for Lisa to taste.

A happy smile played on her lips while she parked the car and released the box from the weak grip of the belt. She tucked it under her arm and happily skipped between trees towards her love.

'Towards Lisa, you stupid brain!' she scolded herself.

Her only love was Chaeyoung, it should be like that. Lisa was just a big crush which would eventually pass. She tried to convince herself, but the huge smile that broke on her face and the wild dancing of her heart in its ribcage said otherwise when her eyes landed on Lisa's back.

But that didn't really matter, right? Because at the end of the day, was it even worth it leaving her girlfriend for something she didn't know the future of? What were the chances of Lisa even feeling the same way towards the small brunette? For all Jennie knew, the girl may not be even gay, or bi. She had never mentioned anything regarding her sexual orientation or past love interests.

But if she really did share Jennie's preferences, was the brunette that blind and oblivious not to notice anything sooner? Probably. All she needed right now was a sign, or just something to show her the right direction to take in this confusing situation.

Jennie reached the dock and her gummy smile sprang to life when she caught Lisa's attention. The girl turned towards her, mirroring her smile.

"Hi, Jen" she greeted cheerfully.

"Hello" she chuckled and plopped herself on her tiny space next to Lisa.

"How are you?" the girl asked the question she made sure to give Jennie every single day. It genuinely warmed the brunette's heart every time she would ask how her day went. She knew that Lisa actually cared and didn't just ask it out of courtesy.

"Well, I've been...fine. There are some things running through my head these days, but it's nothing important, really" Jennie said and smiled politely.

"If something is troubling your head, you know you can tell me, right?" Lisa sweetly said, staring deeply in her brown eyes as her right hand made its way on top of Jennie's left thigh where it settled comfortably. "I'm always here to listen to whatever you have to say"

She couldn't really tell her that she thought she was in love, right?

A gush of air suddenly invaded Jennie's lungs and her slumped shoulders straightened up when the feeling of Lisa's big warm hand squeezing the soft top of her tight took over her body and sent a shiver down her spine towards places a little below her belly she didn't really expect to be put to life so easily. The feeling was amazing and so intoxicating. It made her even more sweaty and dizzy when she felt the girl's short nails rake up and down over the thin cloth of her jeans innocently.

Jennie stared at the big doe eyes she grew up loving so much, and them staring right back at hers made her heart beat louder than it ever should have. The brunette loved to stare at her when she wasn't looking, trying to remember every imperfection the girl didn't have.

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