Chapter 19

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Jennie woke up later than usual on the next morning. She stood up until late last night, trying to come up with the best plan she could think of. If she couldn't change her father's mind, then she would make sure she would do it with the Kims. It didn't matter what would happen, the important thing was that she wasn't going to marry that man and she would do anything to stop it.

And the best part was that she would totally embarrass the man in front of his business partners. He said that he talked only good things about her, but what would happen when she turned out the total opposite? Jennie smirked at herself evily. If using Jennie for his company's good was what her father wanted, well, she would make sure that wouldn't happen also. The best turn out of the night would be for Mr. Kim to cancel the marriage along with his partnership with the her dad.

She promised herself she wouldn't be scared of her father, of the consequences that would follow after her little stunt. He could kick her out of the house like he threatened yesterday, but he wouldn't know he would be doing Jennie a favor at this point. It was already clear that neither he nor her could live under the same roof together anymore. This was the last straw needed to be pulled to make their already fragile relationships completely crumble down.

So Jennie decided to take this into her hands. She was already 18. She didn't belong to them anymore, she was her own person and she could make her own decisions. So she spent the first hours of the morning browsing through websites in search for a small, suitable and cheap apartment so she could finally move out of that place she used to call home. She had enough money saved to take that step in her life, and she didn't need her parents' approval.

She would still need to find a job. Even tho she was last year in her school before graduation, she would need to save more for her college expenses later. She even planed on taking a year off so she could do that more effectively. She had the plan memorized in her head since last night's late hours of thinking.

After ruining the dinner, she would go back to her house and grab her already prepared luggage, grab whatever else she needed from the house while they were still gone and run off to Jisoo's. There she would spend a few nights until she could completely finish the paperwork for the rent of the apartment she chose, and then she would look for a job. Simple and easy, and she hoped everything would go great.

After she saved the broker's number in her phone, she got up from the bed and started fitting her stuff in the biggest suitcase she could find in the house. But she couldn't possibly fit everything inside, so she went on with just the most important stuff she had because she didn't know if she could, or would even want to come back to that house to get the rest of them. After everything was done, she put the case under her bed and sighed. Was she really doing that? Yes, she was, and she could finally live the life Lisa wanted for her.

She spent the rest of the day ignoring her parents completely. She only quickly sneaked into the kitchen at one point while no one was there so she could grab something to eat and ran back upstairs. She didn't feel the need to see any of them, even her mother. In the meantime, she talked to Jisoo and quickly explained to her the situation and her plan, asking her of she could crash at her place for some time. Jisoo, of course, immediately agreed.

After everything was done, Jennie lied on the bed and stared at the white ceiling for a few minutes. The time until the dinner was slowly running out. Her thoughts had been occupied by her plan the whole day that she didn't have time to think about Lisa or Chaeyoung, and she was partly thankful for that. She couldn't afford to break down today. She needed to think fast and clear, to look fine and happy, even tho she was far from that.

A soft knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts. Jennie right away knew this was her mother. The door cracked open slowly and she peeked inside the room, her eyes finding Jennie on the bed immediately. "You better start preparing yourself. We will have to go soon" she gave Jennie a sympathetic smile and left as quickly as she came. The brunette sighed again and got up. It was time.

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