Chapter 13

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~A few hours ago~

Loud music blasted through the speakers at Jisoo's empty house. Stirring the noodles she was cooking for lunch, she danced her butt off to her favorite song and sang along happily. Suddenly the music stopped and only the sound of her phone melody rang heard through the stereo. She left the pot and skipped to retrieve her phone from the kitchen island. Looking at the screen, an unknown number showed up. She hesitated for a few seconds before finally picking up.

"Hello?" she said and went back to stirring her noodles.

"Hello! Jisoo, is that you?" she could hear a soft female voice from the other line which was strangely familiar to her.

"Yes, I'm Jisoo. And who are you?"

"Oh, you don't recognize me? Haha, probably because you don't have my number, I recently changed it. I'm your aunt Mina, honey" the woman said and chuckled. Then something in Jisoo's head clicked. How could she not recognize her?

"Ah, auntie, hello. I'm sorry I couldn't recognize you. I'm a little distracted right now. What's up? Why did you call?" she asked as she went to retrieve a bowl to put her noodle in.

"I've been trying to call your mom these days but I can't seem to reach her for some reason. I got your number from my old phone and decided to call you instead. Is she at home? Can you pass her the phone for a minute, please?" she woman asked.

"Um, sorry. She and dad went out together. Maybe call later tonight? They would be probably home already" Jisoo suggested as she grabbed chopsticks along with the bowl of noodles and headed towards the dining table while holding the phone between her cheek and shoulder.

"Hmm, yeah, I may do that. Thank you. But anyways, how are you? How's school, life? We haven't seen each other in a long time. I've missed you, honey" Mina sincerely said.

"I've missed you too, auntie. And everything is fine. School is going fine, life as interesting as always, I've been doing good also" she answered and slurped some noodles.

"That's good to hear. I'm happy you don't have any problems. How are your friends? I mean the girls you've always been hanging out with...what were their names...?" the woman asked and tried to think.

"Jennie and Chaeyoung?" Jisoo said.

"Ah, yes, exactly them. Are you three still hanging out as always?" Jisoo was confused as to why her aunt would ask about her friends, but she thought the curiosity just got the best of her or she was just trying to keep the conversation going.

"Um, yes, we are still together. But we haven't been hanging out that much recently. Chaeyoung is kind of sick so she has been staying at home, while Jennie...she started hanging out with this Lisa girl for the past few weeks and she barely has any time for us, to be honest. She dissappears every day after school and we rarely go out anymore" Jisoo huffed in frustration.

"Lisa? Her name is Lisa?" Mina asked curiously.

"Yeah. Lisa Manorick. No, wait, or was it Manobra? I know it was something with an 'M' but I can't really remember what it was exactly" she said and scratched her head as she tried to think of the right name.

"Is it Lisa Manoban?"

"Oh, yeah. That's it, Manoban. How did you know?" Jisoo grew slightly confused. Did her aunt know Lisa? She waited for her to say something, but all that came from the other line was silence. "Hey, are you there?"

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