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Mrs. Squiggles was swimming home with her two daughters, Angelica and Peggy. The octopus held her daughter's tentacles in her own. They were coming home after a long day of work and school. "How was your day sweetie?" Mrs. Squiggles asked her daughter, Angelica calmly. She held a kind smile, though she was very tired. I just have to stay up until I have to put Peggy to bed. She held back a sigh. Peggy swam beside her mother, the youngest octopus was just observing the sea-life around them and having a splendid time.

Angelica blinked at her mother. The pale lavender octopus girl sighed. "It was okay." Angelica said with a monotone expression. Mrs. Squiggles' daughter looked much more deflated and unhappy than she usually did. "Honey, did something happen at school?" The mother asked, holding a concerned face. I hope no one is being mean to her.

"No." Angelica said fiercely. The pale pink octopus was a little taken aback at her daughter's hostility but she stayed silent. If she doesn't want to talk about it, she doesn't want to talk about it. 

 "Okay honey." Mrs. Squiggles mumbled under her breath.

Just before they reached their large mansion, Peggy spotted a Jellyfish. "Mommy! Mommy look!" Peggy piped up, letting go of her mother to swim closer to the beautiful, yet dangerous creature.

"Peggy! No come back here!" Mrs. Squiggles yelled, as she swam after the small baby blue octopus.

Angelica held a flat expression. "I'm going home!" She swam ahead, and into the mansion.
Mrs. Squiggles was able to get Peggy to ignore the jellyfish and they swam home. Mrs. Squiggles let out an agonizingly long sigh once she came in the door. She stared at the large, spacious entrance to their home. She didn't see Angelica anywhere. I guess she already went upstairs to her room. A frown formed on her face but she shook it off.

"MOM!!" Angelica came running down the stairs, a distraught expression on her face. "DAD HAS SOMEONE UPSTAIRS WITH HIM!" Angelica shrieked, her eyes wide with shock and maybe....amusement? Mrs. Squiggles couldn't tell.

What Angelica had just said hadn't sunk in. "Excuse me?!" Mrs. Squiggles let out a strangled gasp. She bolted up the stairs, she had to catch her husband and whoever this person was in the act!

She practically tripped over her own tentacles as she navigated the large mansion. She heard a sound, a sound she was hoping she wouldn't hear.

She gulped as she came to a guest room, the one with a very large bed. She heard that sinful sound again as she silently placed her ear on the door. The sinful noises formed into shrieks of pleasure. She stifled a shocked gasp. She couldn't breathe. Mrs. Squiggles didn't want to open the door. She didn't want to see it. She definitely didn't want to hear it. Tears formed in her eyes, as she flung the door open.

"ROBERT!!" An angry yowl left her mouth.

The plump male octopus' eyes widened as he choked out a shocked sound of pleasure and displeasure.

"Victoria!?! This isn't- this isn't what it looks like!"

The female squid didn't look at all startled or shocked. "I guess this is my cue to leave." Was all the squid woman said, her eyes glancing back and forth between Mr. and Mrs. Squiggles. She looked ominously calm as she grabbed her clothes, put them on and left.

Mrs. Squiggles had no words for this unknown woman. "How could you..?" Mrs. Squiggles forced out. Tears erupted out of her eyes. What will the children think? What will Angelica think?

Peggy was too young to understand what her father had done, but Angelica would understand. This will tear our family apart. Mr. Squiggles put on some pants and stepped toward his wife. "Victoria...I'm so sorry..." Mr. Squiggles said, moving to place a tentacle on his wife's shoulder. She flinched away from his touch.

"Don't touch me Robert." She choked out, her eyes glazed with despair.

His eyes widened with sadness, but he pulled away. An uncomfortable silence filled the room as Mrs. Squiggles sobbed."Soooo.....What's for dinner?" Mr.Squiggles asked awkwardly.

Mrs. Squiggles stopped sobbing to stare at Mr. Squiggles.

She stared at him with the most dead expression. All the emotion dropped from her face. "What is wrong with you?" She spat taking a step toward him.

He took a step back.

"What makes you think I'm cooking for you? What gives you the right to sleep with another woman and expect me to be okay with it?" Her voice was cold, filled with anger. The tears had dried. She was filled with rage.

"Victoria-I-I-I'm so-sorry." Mr. Squiggles stuttered as Mrs. Squiggles pushed him out of the guest bedroom.

"No, you aren't." Mrs. Squiggles hissed. Tears formed in her eyes once more.

"How could you do this to me?" She whispered, her heart shattered at his lies. At what he had done. How he had absolutely zero remorse.

He moved to hug her, hoping to comfort her. She pushed him away once more. She turned around. She couldn't look him in the eyes.


He stared at her, open mouthed. "Victoria-I-I have nowhere to go."

"Find somewhere." She answered weakly.

He stared at her with an open mouth and wide eyed expression. He was dumbfounded. He turned around and walked down the stairs.

"I trusted you. I loved you." Mrs. Squiggles whispered, her voice was filled with so much emotion.

She closed her eyes and let a final tear run down her face. Mr. Squiggles walked out of the house. He left.

Angelica ran up the stairs. "Mom! What happened? We saw a lady come downstairs then we saw Dad leave." Angelica explained, holding Peggy's tentacle in her own.

Angelica looked interested, but also held an expression filled with fear.Mrs. Squiggles held back a burst of emotion. How am I supposed to tell her? How am I supposed to tell the girls how Robert has betrayed us?

Peggy let go of Angelica. "Mommy what's wrong?" She asked quietly, raising a tentacle and wiping away one of her mother's tears.

She wrapped her mother up into a hug. Angelica blinked at them both before joining. "It'll be okay." Peggy said calmly. She was too innocent and unaware of what was going on, but the baby blue octopus' confidence made Mrs. Squiggles smile.

"I love you both so much." Mrs. Squiggles smiled through her tears.

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