Chapter Eight

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Five's P.O.V.

"I can't read any more of this. I know my name is going to pop up soon!" Allison said as she got off the couch and started to walk away. But, before she could leave the room, Luther grabbed her hand, and she stopped. "What are you doing?" she asked. "Look, I know that this is hard, but you have to listen to what Anna has to say. We made the mistake to not listen to her when she was alive. Now, this is her chance to tell her story," he said.

Allison burst into tears, and Luther embraced her tightly in his arms as the rest of us were looking at each other, waiting for Allison to sit back on the couch so we could continue. "Five, I don't think I can read mine. I'll cry halfway through it if I do," Allison sniffled as she sat down with Luther on the couch. "That's okay, I'll read it. If you need me to stop, just tell me," I nodded understandingly. Even though I acted like a smartass, I still had a soft spot for Allison, Vanya, and Anna.

I took a deep breath and prepared to read another one of Anna's exposé's on what we did. Part of me knew that Allison was going to be next, but at the same time, I was hoping that Anna would stall exposing Allison and move onto someone else. Hopefully, not me. Not yet.


You know, I've always wondered what made Grace pick out some of our names. I wonder why she thought that name would suit us. Usually, expecting parents take months to find the perfect name for their kids. I know it sounds weird that I'm bringing this up, but I just like to let my mind wander. It helps with the pain. I never liked my name. I was considering changing it. But I didn't want to make it confusing.

Don't get me wrong, I love the names Grace picked out for us, but I think there's one name that's unique for a girl. Allison, such a pretty name. Since Vanya couldn't play with us, it must've felt weird for you to be the other girl in The Umbrella Academy. I've always admired you, Allison. You had so many admirers, so many people who wanted to be like you. And after a while, I grew a little jealous.

When you left the academy, you went on to pursue a successful acting career. You had the perfect life. A lot of money, a nice house, and a family of your own.

"I'm not perfect. She of all people should know that," Allison shook her head as she wiped away tears. "Nobody's perfect. We all have our flaws. Even I do," I muttered under my breath. 

I cared about all of my siblings. Yes, you read that right. Even though I hated most of you for the stuff you did, I still cared about you as a sister. I would've even given my life to save one of you if it came down to that. And, I saved you, Allison. Remember? Some thugs had broken into a high school, and they were holding multiple people hostages. When we thought we had taken them all out, one of them crawled on the floor towards you, and I could see him going for a knife. And when I saw that, I used my abilities to have a fire extinguisher hit him in the head and knock him out.

You looked behind you and saw him on the ground, his hand still holding the grip of the knife. And let out a breath of relief. "Thanks. I didn't even see him there!" I told you it was fine, and we got the students and teachers out of there. Afterward, there was a party in our honor. And the whole time we had spent the party talking to each other until it was time for father to give his speech. And even then, we still glanced over at each other and smiled. And for a moment, I forgot about the things that had happened before with Diego and Luther. I felt like this another chance for me to not be so lonely anymore.

After training, we would hang out in your room, and we started talking about our future and what we wanted to do with our lives if we decided to leave The Umbrella Academy. I could tell you always aspired to be an actress. You would gush about all the cutest boys in Hollywood. I never had a crush on any actors. I just wanted to find someone who would be there to love me and help me through tough times. Then, one day. You said that you had something you wanted to tell me.

I was nervous at first, because every time someone said they wanted to tell me something, it wasn't good. But I was hopeful that this time, it wouldn't be as bad. We sat down in my room together, and we looked at each other for a moment before you let out a sigh. "Did something bad happen?" I asked. You shook your head and let out a small laugh. "No, it's nothing bad. I have a secret I want to tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone," you answered. I was good at keeping secrets, so I trusted myself. I could tell that you trusted me, as well.

"I have a crush on someone," You blushed. I was really happy for you, and I started to wonder who it was. But, you wouldn't tell me until I looked down the hall to make sure that no one was listening, and I shut the door. "Okay, so who is the lucky guy?" I asked. You leaned in close to my ear and whispered your answer. "Luther," I was in shock by this, really I was. I didn't act like it. Because I didn't want you to ask me what was wrong. "Wow, that's awesome! Do you think he feels the same way about you?" You nodded your head and smiled, and you made me swear not to tell anyone, and I gave you my word.

Yes, if you've read the other stories, Allison. The part where you did me wrong is going to come up right about now. Even though I was a little sad and angry that my friend was in love with the guy who broke my heart, I was still happy for you, and I kept my word. A few days after you told me your secret, you passed me a note during breakfast that said after training, we needed to talk.

I thought that it was no big deal. I thought you were going to tell me that you admitted to Luther your feelings. But boy, was I wrong. When I got to your room after training, you were facedown on your bed, crying your eyes out. I asked you what was wrong, and you stared at me and shook your head. "You broke your promise," you whispered. "What? No, I didn't! I swear, Allison. I never told anyone!" I defended myself.

"Really? Then how did Luther find out about my crush on him?" I had a feeling that someone was walking by and heard you mention Luther's name and told him about it. "I don't know, but I didn't tell him! I wouldn't do that to you," I continued to protest. You scoffed and looked away from me and said that you thought we were friends and that you could no longer be friends with someone who broke your trust.

I continued to protest and tell you I had nothing to do with Luther finding out, but you didn't want to hear it. "I'll say it right now. I hope your spilling my secret was worth it," Then, you said those four words and told me to punch myself in the face, hard. What did you mean for me to do to myself, Allison? Make a bruise? Make a small cut? Because it was a combination of both. I had that bruise for four days, and every time I looked in the mirror, it was a reminder that I lost yet another friend.

It was a slap in the face, a knife in my back, because you believed that I told Luther you had a crush on him. I still don't know who told Luther. But, I hope they're satisfied that they caused tension between us.


"Allison, you did that?" I asked, looking up from the notebook. Everyone looked over at her as she sobbed into her hands. "I was angry, and I regret it now," she muffled. "Alli, it's okay. We all feel regret for the things we did," Vanya said, gently rubbing her shoulder as Luther pulled her closer to him. "I need to go to the bathroom to clear my head. I'll be right back," Allison said as she got off the couch and walked towards one of the bathrooms.

"Can't believe Allison rumored Anna to bitch slap herself!" Klaus chuckled. Slowly, I looked over at Klaus and shot him a dirty look. "You are so immature,"

"Yes I am," he chuckled to himself.

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