Chapter Nine

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Five's P.O.V.

Klaus continued to chuckle at his comment, and we all looked at each other, wondering when he was going to stop. It went on for a few minutes before he finally managed to calm down. Reading through Anna's journal and hearing about the reasons why she killed herself was heartbreaking, but I knew that we had to keep going if we had to uncover the real reason why she did it. The first few events Anna had described were small, but they still had a deep effect on her.

We had yet to uncover the major problems that played a part in this. "I need a drink," I sighed as I got up from the couch and walked to the bar, pouring myself a small glass of scotch. "Get me one too, buddy!" Klaus called out. Of course, the guy can't stay sober for even a minute! I came back to the couch with the two small glasses. And I handed one to Klaus before I sat down. "Master Five, it's a bit early to be indulging in alcohol, don't you think?" Pogo asked before I was able to take a sip from my glass.

"It's been a depressing morning, Pogo. I need this to numb the pain," I sighed. Pogo let out a sigh of his own, and I took a sip of the bitter alcohol. I choked back a gag and gulped down the scotch until the glass was almost empty. Finally, Allison came back from the bathroom and sat down next to me. "You alright?" I whispered. Her eyes were glossed with tears, but she nodded her head and smiled slightly before it fell.

"Alright, are we ready for the next one?" I asked. Everyone looked at each other and let out sighs all at once. "As ready as we'll ever be," Diego answered.


Alright, so far, I talked about my first heartbreak, my first betrayal, and my first slap in the face. Now, you may be thinking, "Poor little Anna, she'll never find someone who loves her and wouldn't betray or hurt her," But you would be wrong. I did find someone. No, this story isn't about him. Not yet, but it will be soon. After a while, I started to think that I would be single forever and that I would never find my prince charming to save me from my tower.

And I thought I found him when I sat down next to him and we started to get to know each other. Enter Klaus Hargreeves. It's your turn. Klaus, darling. I feel sorry for you, really I do. I can't imagine having the ability to communicate with the dead, to hear them shrieking in your ears when you're trying to sleep. When we were kids, I heard you scream at night because you heard the voices of ghosts shouting in your ears. According to what you told Mom and Pogo.

You seemed like the type of guy who looked like he needed a friend, but at the same time, you had a friend. Someone who you talk to all the time even though he's no longer around. Who knows? Maybe you'll try to talk to me as a ghost. But, back to the past. Because of my bad choices, I decided not to trust anyone because I thought, "If people keep betraying me, the best thing to do is to not have any friends at all so I won't get hurt constantly,"

It felt like it was the right choice for me to make. So during my free time, I wouldn't try to socialize with anyone. I would grab a random book from the bookshelf and curl up on the couch by the fireplace. This worked for a while until father eventually took notice and scolded me for it. "Number Eight, go socialize with your siblings!" he would always say. I tried to tell him that it was clear nobody liked me, and he didn't even bother to console me or hug me. He just said, "Try again,"

"Right, I remember he used to say that to her all the time. Bastard," Klaus sighed before taking another sip of his scotch. "Yeah, continue reading," I nodded.

I walked around the living room, hoping to strike up a conversation with someone. But Luther and Diego were laughing and looking over at me. Vanya was busy playing the violin, Allison was still angry about the spilled secret, and god knows where Five was. But then, I saw you sitting next to Ben. You seemed happy, but I could tell that deep down, you had that same feeling of loneliness that I had.

I sat next to you, and there was an awkward silence between us for a moment or two. But then Ben said something that broke the ice. I can't remember what he said. But, whatever it was, it was funny. That's when we started talking, and I got to know you a little better, Klaus. During our conversation, I forgot about the rule that I had set for myself. Soon, free time was over, and we had to get back to work, but before I left the room, you handed me a small note that said, "Meet me by the side of the academy at midnight,"

I was reluctant to go, but you seemed like a decent person to talk to, and I thought that even if we weren't friends for long, I might as well enjoy the time we had. I met you outside just like you wanted me to, but you didn't show up for a while, and I was worried that you forgot or pulled a prank on me. But, as I was about to walk away after half an hour of waiting, you came with a small basket. "What's this?" I asked. "I snuck down to the kitchen and got you some sweets from that pantry we're forbidden to go into," you answered.

You reached into the basket and pulled out a swirly bun with clear icing on top, and when I bit into it, I was greeted with the taste of honey. "Honeybuns. A classic!" you smiled. You reached into the basket and grabbed one for yourself, and we sat there and ate. "Is this why you called me here? So we could eat honey buns?" I asked. You let out a small chuckle and shook your head. "No, because I wanted to talk to you a little more. Because I think you're a great girl," you answered.

That night, we spent the whole time talking, and when it was approaching dawn, we headed back to our rooms, but before I went back into mine, you pulled me towards you and kissed the top of my head. And in turn, I kissed you on the cheek. We kissed, but not on the lips, so it didn't count as my first kiss. That's it, we kissed. Why? Did you all hear something different?

Well, I did. The next day, during free time, I sat down next to Ben and waited for you to arrive so we could continue talking like we had the previous night. But when you arrived, you sat down next to Luther and Diego and whispered something in their ears. I didn't know what it was, but they started laughing. I assumed that maybe you told them a funny joke. But when free time was over, Luther came over to me, and he was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"Hey, I heard you and Klaus snuck out to hang out last night. Did you guys make out?" he asked. I was confused by this and told him that all we did was talk and kiss on the cheek and forehead once. "Yeah, right. Just admit it, your a hoe," he said before walking away. At that moment, I knew you weren't telling them a joke. You were only adding to the pain I was going through.

"I don't remember doing that!" Klaus sighed. "Maybe you were high as a kite, and that's why you don't remember," I sighed. I remembered the rumor, but I didn't believe it for a second. Anna didn't seem like that type of person. I was going to take her side throughout her story. I just hoped that she had nothing bad to say about me.

Because I knew I was next.

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