Chapter Fifteen

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(Trigger Warning, mentions of suicide)

Five's P.O.V.

"She's said the same thing you did, Pogo," I said, looking up at him from the notebook. "I'm not lying about this, Master Five. I was there. I should've never turned on the voltage, maybe Anna wouldn't have become depressed, and maybe she would've stayed with us. But she didn't," Pogo sighed. I could see tears were forming in the corner of his eyes. Without hesitation, I walked towards him and embraced him. I felt the others join the embrace, and we all held each other for a while and cried.

"Is this the end of the notebook? I can't handle anymore of this," Klaus sniffled. I had a feeling that there was one more entry, but I wasn't going to read it out loud to them because they were already so damaged by what Anna had done. I would read the last entry in Anna's room, alone. "No, that's it," I lied. Allison and Luther walked out of the room. Klaus walked towards the bar and took a shot of whiskey. While the others went to different rooms, trying to wipe away the tears that were falling down their faces.

"Where are you going, Master Five?" Pogo asked as I started to walk out of the room. I looked back at him and told him I was going upstairs to clear my head. I walked up the stairs towards Anna's room and sat on her bed as I read the last entry. The final words that Anna wrote before she made that fateful decision.


One last try.

I'm going to give life one more chance. My siblings are coming today for father's funeral. I haven't seen them in so many years. Maybe they have changed their ways. But who knows? I'm going to try to talk to them and tell them how I feel. I'm going to get help because I can't do this alone.

But of course, if you're reading this, I failed. And my fate is sealed.

I just hope they don't turn me away this time.

Suddenly, the entry came to an end, and I was confused. But when I flipped to the next page, the entry continued. 

I tried talking to Klaus, but obviously, he's too high to take me seriously. Let's see if Diego or Vanya can help.

A few spaces below those words were empty, but like on the last page, it continued.

Diego and Vanya are fighting about that book she wrote. Let's try Allison or Luther. And if that doesn't work, I'll try to talk to Grace or Pogo.

I tried talking to them, but Luther didn't take me seriously. He keeps talking about father's death and that there had to be some foul play or something. The old man probably died by his heart giving out. Just like my heart will soon give out. Allison recently came in and asked me about my medication. She found out I haven't been taking it like my doctor prescribed me to.

I think she rumored me to take them. Just like she rumored me to punch myself in the face. At least she made me a peanut butter marshmallow sandwich, just like Five used to make them. It helps a little, but not much. One last chance, let's hope that Grace or Pogo can help.

They're not coming.

They said they would, but they didn't. I'll wait for a little while longer.

It's been two hours, they forgot about me. They forgot I needed them.

I think I made myself clear, if you're still reading this, you didn't come forward to stop me.

Some of you cared, but none of you cared enough.

I'm sorry you're going to find me dead, I'm sorry I'm such a burden.

I'm sorry...

Reading Anna's final words brought me to my knees, and as much as I tried to hold it in, I couldn't hold it, and I cried myself a waterfall. It didn't last very long though. I wasn't going to let her story end this way. I was going to go back and save her. And tell her how I truly felt. I teleported towards the back of Griddy's and made my way to the front to get some donuts and coffee for the extra energy if I was going to go back.

As I waited at the counter, I pulled out a small notebook and pen from my pocket and started to write long and complicated equations. "Working on homework?" A voice asked. I looked up and saw the same waitress from earlier that morning. "Yeah," I answered. I ordered the usual black coffee and a chocolate-frosted donut with rainbow sprinkles. One of Anna's favorite's.

I continued to work on the equations until my order came, and I started drinking the hot substance. I had found Anna's body at around 6:30, so I decided that I should go back 15 minutes before Anna locked herself in that bathroom. When I was done, I placed a ten-dollar bill on the counter and left the donut shop, and went back to Anna's room, taking one final glance before I went back to save her.

I concentrated all my energy on opening a portal to the previous day, and I saw the others were gathering outside through the portal. "I'm coming, Anna," I whispered to myself before I jumped through that portal, landing on the dirt below. "Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is it just me?" Klaus asked. I stood up from the ground, and without a second thought, I ran past them and teleported upstairs towards the bathroom where Anna was.

A/n: Sorry to leave this at a cliffhanger, but I thought it would make the story more interesting! Will Five get to Anna before she makes a terrible mistake? Find out in the final two chapters of Never Too Late: Five Hargreeves!

With love,

Duskprincess89 💖☔

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