Little Grey Eyes

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I watched her from my laptop but it wasn't enough. She was so beautiful sleeping and so perfect. Her hair spread out on the pillow, her little pink lips parted, her hands curled around her teddy bear. It was precious.

I had to see her. I had to be there.

I shut my laptop and got into my car. I drove to her place and parked a block or two down the road. I pulled a ski mask over my face and lifted the hood of my jacket over my head. They were just precautions. Couldn't have her knowing who I was just yet.

I picked the lock on her door and stepped inside her apartment. And there she was, sleeping peacefully on the bed against the far wall. She looked so beautiful.

I approached slowly and sat down on the bed next to her. I slid my fingers through a strand of her hair. She let out a little snore and I smiled.

God, she was just perfect.

My eyes flit to her lips and I resisted the urge to kiss her. It wasn't time yet. She needed to trust me first.

She stirred and I froze, my fingers still tangled in her hair.

Don't wake up. Don't wake up. Don't wake up.

Her little grey eyes opened and her brows furrowed in confusion. Her eyes flit to me and she stiffened, her breath catching.

I slowly moved my hand from her hair and stood up, pressing a gloved finger to my lips in a shushing motion. She looked absolutely terrified. It sent waves of excitement through my body.

I backed up to her kitchen counter and pulled out a wad of bills from my pocket. I showed them to her then placed them on the counter. For her window.

She watched me breathless as I backed out the door and shut it. I hurried down the stairs of her apartment complex and ran to my car. I pulled up the cameras on my laptop just in time to see her start to dial 911. I grabbed my phone and sent her a quick text.

Me: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

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