Purple Streaks

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I lied beside her, my head resting on my hand.

She'd finally fallen asleep a few hours ago. I couldn't sleep. I just watched her. She was beautiful in her sleep, so beautiful.

Her pastel purple streaked hair lay scattered around her head. Her soft little eyelids rested closed, her lips slightly parted. Her cheeks were pale, but with a barely visible tint of pink.

I smiled. She was just perfect. I reached over and slid a finger down the side of her face. Her skin felt so soft. She let out a long sigh and turned over. Her little eyes fluttered open and landed on me. She instantly tensed and I frowned.

"Were you watching me sleep?" She whispered.

I nodded. "You're beautiful when you sleep."

She shifted away from me to the edge of the bed. I watched her closely.

"That's creepy." She murmured, and her tone sharpened.

I sighed. "No, it's not. It's romantic. Now go back to sleep, Kasey."

"I can't." She snapped. "Not with you here." She tugged at the cuff tying her to the bedpost as she turned her back.

But I didn't move, and her shoulders never relaxed.

"Go sleep on the couch." She snapped.

I chuckled. "No."

"Then uncuff me and I will."


She exhaled in exasperation and curled her legs to her chest. I reached out and ran a finger down her spine and she jerked and the handcuff bit into her wrist and she inhaled sharply.

"Stop that." She whispered.

But I moved closer. "No."

I didn't want to do this to her. I didn't want to hurt her. I loved her, I did. But there was another part of me, a part of me that loved seeing her fight, seeing her fear. There was a part of me that couldn't handle her being around other people, couldn't handle her loving other people, even friends, couldn't handle other people being able to have her.

She was mine.

She needed to realize that soon.

"Please," she breathed.

But my hand ran down her arm and she tensed, and when I wrapped my arm around her waist, she shrieked and jerked up, but my arm tightened around her and pulled her back down. Her back pressed into my chest, and my breath caressed the back of her neck.

"Shh, Kasey." I murmured as she twisted to get away from me. "Be still. I'm not going to do anything."

"Like hell you're not!" She snapped, jerking her elbow into my stomach and scrambling to get out of the bed.

I gasped and grit my teeth, grabbing her upper arms and slamming her back down on the pillows. I rolled on top of her, keeping my weight upon her light as she struggled and tugged at the cuff.

"Stop it." I snapped, but she tried to throw a punch. I caught her fist in my hand and forced her hand down on the pillow beside her head. "Do you want me to do something, huh?" I hissed. "Is that why you're always behaving this way? Because you secretly want me too?"

She shook her head back and forth, tears pricking at her eyes, but I smiled.

"I think otherwise, Kasey." I leaned into her and she turned her head to the side. "Don't you remember the way you looked at me that day I saved you from Elliot, our date at the coffee shop, when you confided in me at the park. Don't you remember how you held onto me when you found Elliot dead." She whimpered and I pulled back slightly, and when I spoke, my voice was quiet. "I know you have feelings for me." She clenched her eyes shut and I knew I was right, and something warm flickered in my chest.

"I don't." She whispered.

"Don't lie, Kasey." I crooned. "If you'd just give in this wouldn't be so difficult for you. We could be happy. You could be happy."

Her eyes flit to mine, hard. "I could never be happy with you. Not after what you've done."

My jaw clenched and I leaned more of my weight into her.

"That's how you want it to be, huh?" I hissed. "Go on, Kase, keep provoking me. See what happens."

She spat in my face and I tensed and carefully wiped my face with my sleeve. And when my eyes found hers again, they were thick with what was not exactly anger, but something close to it, a mix between frustration and desire.

And then I kissed her.

She stifled a cry and tried to turn away but I clasped my free hand around the back of her neck and pulled her to me. I inhaled her, taking in her every taste and sensation. She fought, but her movements only spurred me on and I took her bottom lip between mine and she flinched. My tongue darted out and swept across her lips and then I pulled back.

She turned her head away, the shimmer of tears in her eyes and I sighed.

I didn't want to see her cry. I didn't want to break her.

I just wanted her.

Whatever it took.

I slid off of her and pulled her into my chest and she only resisted slightly, quieting when I shushed her.

"Just go to sleep, Kasey." But I knew she wouldn't.

I closed my eyes anyway, and the heat of her body against mine soothed every part of me. I smiled softly and nuzzled my nose into her neck and she tensed, but didn't move, didn't say a word, and I fell asleep with her wrapped in my arms.

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