Ch. 3 You Didn't Think It'd Be That Easy To Find Me, Did You?

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I locked my apartment door behind me and leaned against it, sinking down to the floor. I wrapped my arms around my knees and started crying.

They had a gun. They had a gun.

I was scared out of my mind.

What were they capable of?

Who even were they?

My phone chimed.

Unknown: Please don't cry. I would never hurt you.

I grit my teeth as I typed a reply.

Me: But you'd hurt the people I care about!

Unknown: Only if I have to.

I choked on my own tears. This was getting out of hand. Way out of hand.

Me: Who even are you?

Unknown: You'll know soon enough. But for now, I'll give you a clue. I'm closer than you think.

I jumped as someone knocked on my door. Was it them? Were they here?

I peeked through the peephole and sighed in relief. It was just Cole.

I went to open the door, but then I hesitated.

I'm closer than you think. What did they mean by that?

I bit my lip and opened the door.

"Cole, hey. What are you doing here?"

He walked inside and I shut the door behind him. He sighed and turned to face me.

"Hailey was worried about you. She called Jackson who called me cause I was close by."

"You were close by? Why?" I knawed on the insides of my cheeks.

His brows furrowed. "My college is just down the road, Kase, you know that."

"Oh." Now I felt stupid. I gestured to the couch. "Do you want to sit?"

We moved to the couch and sat down. Cole looked at me with worried eyes.

"You've been acting off, Kasey. I noticed it at lunch yesterday when Jackson brought up the break-in and Hailey said you were jumpy and pale today. What's really going on?"

I shook my head. "Nothing. I'm fine, really."

"Dont lie to me." He said softly. "I know some thing's going on. Who were you talking to when you were with Hailey?"

"It was my grandpa." I fiddled with my hands. "My grandma's sick. I was worried about her. She was having surgery. He was keeping me updated."

Cole didn't look convinced.

"Jackson told me about the note left with the flowers."

I glance up at his blue eyes then glanced back down.


"Yeah, oh. Please tell me the truth, Kasey. That wasn't the only incident was it?"

I glanced down at my phone. I hadn't gotten any texts since Cole was here, but that didn't mean they weren't still watching. And they had a gun.

"It was, Cole. I swear that was the only incident. It just shook me, is all. That and when those kids threw the rock through my window. And what happened with Elliot--"

"Woah, hold up. A rock through your window?"

I gestured towards the broken window and he turned around, his eyes wide.

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