Ch. 4 Don't Do Anything Stupid

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Unknown: I love it when your nose scrunches up like that.

I shoved the book onto the shelf and scowled.

He wouldn't leave me alone. Even at work.

I wheeled the cart of books round to the teen fiction section and got to work putting up titles. My phone chimed again and I considered ignoring it. But I knew he would get mad and start threatening me again. I was so sick of his threats.

Unknown: Don't be mad. I'm just playing.

A shiver ran down my spine. If this was him playing, what was he like serious?

Unknown: Don't be scared either, Kasey. I'd never hurt you.

I typed out a quick reply, glancing around to make sure my boss wasn't looking.

Me: I don't believe you.

I tucked my phone back in my pocket and it chimed. I ignored it and continued refreshing the shelves. It chimed again and I sighed and pulled it back out.

Unknown: Have I ever done anything to hurt you, Kasey? No, I haven't. Because I would never lay a hand on you.

Unknown: Trust me, please. I love you too much to ever hurt you.

Me: Trust you?! You've done nothing but hurt me! You scare me and threaten me and mess with my relationships. You're possessive and controlling and you won't leave me alone!

I finished with this shelf and wheeled the cart to the next.

Unknown: That may be true but physically, I'd never hurt you.

I scoffed.

Me: But emotionally, you're just fine hurting me, huh?

I suddenly felt like crying. This was all too much. I was arguing with my stalker. My stalker. Who threatened my friends and broke into my apartment multiple times, once when I was sleeping. Who had a gun. Why was this happening to me of all people? What did I do to deserve this?

My phone dinged.

Unknown: I hate hurting you like this. But it's for the best.

My nose scrunched in anger.

Me: How the hell is this for the best?!

Unknown: All in due time.

I was really starting to get sick of that phrase.


I jumped and knocked several books off the cart.

"Shit." I cried. "Chase, you scared me."

He leaned down to help me pick up the fallen books.

"You okay? You were shelving books pretty angrily."

I shrugged. "Rough day?"

"Was that a question or an answer?"

I gave him a half-hearted grin. "Both?"

He chuckled. "There you go again."

I turned and returned to shelving books.

"I thought it was your day off?"

He scratched the back of his neck. "It is, um..." He glanced over at me, then quickly glanced away. "I wanted to ask...would you want to get coffee later?"

I paused, a book halfway on the shelf.

I bit my lip.

Chase was cute, I'd give him that. And I knew him pretty well. He was sweet and nerdy and gentle. The perfect guy.

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