Bitten-Down Nails

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I was working on my laptop when she texted me. I glanced over at the screens I'd hooked up to the cameras in her apartment. She was sitting up in bed, having just woken up, and she was biting her already bitten-down nails.

Kasey: I have some questions.

I smiled. This was the first time she'd ever initiated contact. It was progress.

Me: Alright. But no asking who I am.

She scowled but typed her first question.

Kasey: Are you a girl? A guy? Neither? Both?

I chuckled. I considered keeping that information a secret, but I figured it wouldn't hurt.

Me: I'm a guy.

She bit her lip.

Kasey: What did you mean you're closer than I think?

I smirked. So she wanted to play this game, did she? Very well, let's play.

Me: You've already met me, Kasey.

She stilled.

Kasey: I have? How well do I know you?

Me: Well enough.

Kasey: That didn't answer the question.

Her eyebrows furrowed in frustration, her little pink lips pursed.

Me: It wasn't meant to.

Kasey: What do you want from me?

Me: I already said I don't want anything from you. I just want you.

Kasey: Why?

I rolled my chair back and kicked my feet up on the desk.

Me: Because I'm in love with you.

She stared at her phone, just stared. She didn't move.

Me: Something wrong?

She grit her teeth.

Kasey: Yes, something's wrong, dumbass! I'm being stalked by someone who thinks they're in love with me! This is crazy.

Me: I'm crazy for you.

Kasey: No, you're not. You're delusional.

Me: I'm very much in my right mind, Kasey.

Kasey threw her phone down on the bed and hung her head in her hands. She sighed loudly. Then she picked up her phone again and typed another message.

Kasey: What are you planning?

Me: Whatever do you mean?

She exhaled through her teeth.

Kasey: I mean what are you playing at? You can't keep this up forever. What's your goal here?

I stared at her staring at her phone, waiting. Waiting for me.

I didn't want to scare her.

Me: I just want to watch over you. Be a part of your life.

She rolled her eyes.

Kasey: You could do that without stalking me.

Me: Maybe. But this is much more fun.

She glared down at her phone.

Kasey: Fun?! You think this is fun?!

I chuckled.

Me: You look so cute angry.

She grit her teeth and narrowed her eyes, her brows pulling together. Her fingers flew across the screen as she typed.

Kasey: You asshole! How dare you think you can just come into my life and wreck everything?! And all for your sick demented pleasure!

I sighed.

Me: Are you going to make dinner or do I need to pick up some takeout for you?

She sneered.

Kasey: I can make my own damn dinner!

She tossed her phone onto the bed and stormed into the kitchen.

So much for progress.

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