Marinette is ******* busy!

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Adrien kisses Marinette on accident while playing video games and continues playing

Marinette: *shivering*

Adrien: [thats gonna mess my gaming up..]

Marinette: *sloppily shoving her hand around the remote*

Adrien: [Actually..
I might win..]

Marinette: *STRUGGLING*

Adrien: *Winning*

Marinette: *Button mashing*

Tv: Finish them..

Marinette: what!?

Adrien: *tries to do a cool combo but ends up just jumping and walking backwards a lot*

Haha WINNER WINNER SUCK MY- *remembers she's just a friend of the opposite gender and that he is attracted to the opposite gender*
Um.. I mean eh.. I win! Yay..

Marinette: Ahh what.. you b-bumped into me a-and it threw me off!

Adrien: okay okay! Rematch.

Marinette: yes! *starts a new battle*

Adrien: [Im only gonna distract her!] *blows down her neck*

Marinette: Gnyah!!!~

Adrien: [oH! I didn't think that would happen. She kinda..s-sounded like a-an anime girl..* ahh c-combo!!

Marinette: *Desperately trying to play video games*

Adrien: Adrienette- uh uhh.. AdRiEn StYle! Boo ya!

Marinette: okay okay but I'm totally gonna pulverize you!!

Adrien: [hehe he*l yeah.. what? Wait no!!]

Marinette: *remaches again* um *pauses the game* I'm gonna sit in a gaming chair this time..*sits around four feet away from the screen*

Adrien: [oh no.. did I make her too uncomfortable??] okay..

Marinette: *starts winning- I mean playing.. same thing*

Adrien: *sets down remote and pulls her chair to him by the part wear you adjust the height*


*his eyes look up with his face resting on her knees. Marinette shuts them tightly.*

Marinette: *EYE CONTACT*

Adrien: I don't *raps his arms around her legs and squeezes them in different directions* wanna play video games anymore..

Marinette: okay..

Adrien: Okay?.. oh so then you're you're fine with this.. you know with me..

Marinette: uhh~ huh!!

Adrien: *sets a kiss next to her knee*

Marinette: Ahh~ wait..

Adrien: Do you want me to stop?

Marinette: no!!~ keep going~

Adrien: mhh.. Yeah. *kisses a little farther up her leg and on her thigh*

Marinette: ah~ ah~ yhghaaa~

Adrien: you're sounds are really good..

Marinette: I'm sorry I didn't mean to..

Adrien: oh.. you did it on accident?

Marinette: yeah?

Adrien: [MY HEART IS JUMPING UP AND DOWN] *continues kissing*

Marinette: wait..

Adrien: Hmm?

Marinette: you're getting kinda close..

Adrien: yeah?

Marinette: you know to my.. m-my...

Adrien: oh.. Oh! Yeah don't worry I wasn't gonna go that far..

Marinette: thank you

Adrien: you don't need to thank me.. Marinette I never want you to be upset from something I do..

Marinette: You're great though..

Adrien: thank you *kisses her cheek*
Mmh.. can I love on you again..

Marinette: yes!~

Adrien: *starts kissing her neck while he sits on her lap with his front. He supports them by gripping the back of the chair tightly so they don't roll away*

Marinette: ah~ ah~

Adrien: ahh~ Marinette.. please don't do that I'm trying really HARD~ uh~ not to make a mark~!!

Marinette: sorry~

Adrien: mhh~ no it's perfect don't apologize~ *nibbles her neck a little*

Marinette: Ahhhh~!!

Adrien: Okay we're moaning now..
*gets close to her ear*

Marinette: ah~ uh~

Adrien: ahhhhhhhhah~ ah uh~!!!

Marinette: huh~

Adrien: ahh~ ah~ AHHHH~ AAAAAAHHHH~!!!!

Alya: *walks in* hey I was wondering if you-

...... Oh.. hehe what are you guys doing? *smirking*

Marinette: I'm ******* busy!!

Adrien: hehe I'm busy~

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